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                                                        "Sometimes everything is wrong                                                                     Now it's time to sing along                                                        When your...

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                                                        "Sometimes everything is wrong
                                                                     Now it's time to sing along
                                                        When your day is night alone (hold on)
                                                    (Hold on) if you feel like letting go (hold on)
                                                                  If you think you've had too much
                                                                                Of this life
                                                                                      Well, hang on"

                                                        "Sometimes everything is wrong                                                                     Now it's time to sing along                                                        When your...

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Third person POV

The sky was dark, gloomy like everyone else that was standing there. No one can tell it was morning when the dark clouds were looming over their heads stopping any sunlight to reach the ground. They all were mourning the person that left them too soon. The rain was falling from the sky like the gods were themselves in the mourning of the loss of the person.

At the far end under the trees, away from everyone stood a figure. You won't know the person is standing there in heavy rain if you don't look particularly. His shoulders were sagged as if his everything was taken away from him. For the first time in his life he felt defeated. If you are standing somewhat close you would see his shoulders shaking. He felt lost. He felt tired. He was alone.

He couldn't see a life where two of his friends are gone. He already lost so much, and now he has to lose more. What kind of sick joke is this? He wiped his tears and came forward to join everyone. He went to the another lone figure standing there.

She couldn't believe Jacob was gone and her daughter was so heartbroken that she tried to commit suicide. She didn't know where she went wrong. She thought everything was getting better. Her daughter starting dating Jacob, she got her grades back up, she was smiling more and she looked so in love again. She sighed and cleared her eyes. Her daughter couldn't take the loss of another loved one. She was fragile and broken at the same time. Looks like this time it took another death to make her fall over the edge.

Mason came from the shadows and hugged Miranda to comfort her or take comfort from her. She has always been like a second mother to her. He looked around to see who else have come to bury their loved ones. Jacob's parents were here, Eve, Richard and many more people who were probably some of his parent's friends or some people from school. He looked to his right to see a lone figure standing there. Everyone else here was standing in pairs. He tried to make out who that person was.


Mason's fist tightened at the mere sight of Kayden. He couldn't belive after what he has done he would have the audacity to come and stand there. Even though he knew that it was Simran who said those awful things to Emma but he sure that Kayden had a hand in it. He looked at Kayden's messed up face which somewhat calmed him. He still remember the fight he had with him. More of a one side punches. He kicked Kayden's ass. Kayden didn't even fight back after knowing what Emma did. He just stood there taking all of Mason's punches and kicks. He deserved it. Mason was pissed that how his once best friend cum brother could have a hand in this all. He looked away from K not able to look at him anymore.

Jacob was loved by everyone. He was the kind of person who brought smile to everyone's face. He was our star quarterback but he was never a jock. He was friendly, fun and most kind person that Mason knew. A tear slipped on his face and he immediately wiped it aggressively. He doesn't want to cry anymore. Emma didn't even get to be here on Jacob's funeral. She should be here. She was the closest of all to Jacob and she missed the chance to say goodbye to him for forever.

After sometime they all gathered in the front to lower the grave. Everyone was devastated. The reality of their loved one gone was now settling in. It was like a slap to the face. Mason couldn't stand their watching everyone grieve. He couldn't believe what happened past few days. Everything was good and suddenly caboom. Everything turned upset down. Jacob has cancer and then he was gone.They didn't have enough time together. They didn't get to grow up together. He didn't get to see Jacob become a doctor. Huh! The irony.

Eve and Richard were there too. They were their holding each other's hands. They didn't know what went wrong. The thought of going to school without Emma or Jacob scared her. She didn't want to face the reality of sitting in cafeteria watching people laugh and eat while knowing this world has lost something precious. She cried harder. Richard tried to console her while trying to not cry himself.

Soon the time came when they had to say their goodbyes. They didn't think that they were ready for this part. It just didn't feel right. Mason couldn't handle it. He couldn't watch this all. So he left. He went to the only place he has been constantly visiting after Emma's......

He left in his car texting Miranda about his whereabouts. He didn't want her to worry about him when she has so much on her plate right now. It took him half an hour to reach his destination. He knew the place like the back of his hand. He could walk there with his eyes closed. The amount of times he has come here, made him remember each and every corner. He walked to the room  he has been coming to everyday. He missed her immensely. There was simmer of doubt what Emma meant to him. She was not there with him and he couldn't bear the thought. They had shared so many memories together that it was hard to imagine that they could not make more.

He looked at the person in front of him sleeping so peacefully. They didn't have a single worry line on their face. A tear slipped from his eyes and more followed. He cried and told the person their heart out. He told them how he felt about everything that has been happening. He told them the things that happened at graveyard. He cried and whispered the one thing he has been saying from past so many times in hopes of getting a single reply.

" Wake up Emma, Please!"

"Come back to us. We need you."


Hey fellas,

Hope you guys are doing good. and here is the epilogue. I know I took a lot of time to write this but I hope it was worth it. I was way too busy past these weeks and finally had the time to write and post it.

Emma is still alive. Voila!

Who is happy? cauz sure as hell I'm very happy. How could I kill two of my favorite character without even completing her story. Emma still has so much to do in her life. I can't lead her to a fate of death.

So do tell me how you liked the epilogue. This is the end of the book guys. Please vote and comment and tell me what you think.

It has been an amazing journey with you guys. It was so much fun and such a great experience to be here sharing my book with you all. You guys have been such a great reader and you are great peeps to tolerate me. ; )

Love you guys,

Luna Grace.

Gracias !

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