Chapter 24 - He hates me

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Hello everyone .

Please ignore any mistake . I'll edit the book once it is fully completed . But for now please ignore my mistakes .

Thank you 😊


Emma's POV

After school I went home straight . I opened the front door with my key and immediately ran to Mason's room .

I knocked at his door .

No response .

I again knocked .

Again all I got was silence . This was very unlike Mason .

I knocked a more couple of times but he didn't gave me any response .

" Mason open the door ." I called out for him and showed desperation in my voice .

" Mason please open up . Please " again I didn't heard anything .

I'm scared . He is all I got .

" Please Mason open the door . Let me in ." No answer .

" Mason please " my voice cracked at the end .

I tried to turn the knob but the door wouldn't budge . I was panicking by now . It's been two hours that I'm standing out his bedroom shouting his name to open the door . But he wouldn't .

I know what he is feeling . His best friend practically told him to fuck off . He lived for his friends . I was breaking too but I composed myself because this time Mason needed me . He did what he did for me . It wasn't his fault . But anyway he got destroyed in the way too .

And it's all my fault .

Mason hasn't said a word . I know he is inside because the door is locked from inside .

" Mason please open the door . I'm freaking out right now . Please Mason . " my voice sounded so weak and upset . It was desperate, desperate for my friend to let me in .

" Mason I swear I'll break the door " I was now banging on the door . It was three hours of my calling but he didn't said a word .

The door opened and Mason stood there . His eyes were bloodshot , red with crying . Tears were streaming down his face . His lips were quivering, hair were in all the direction ,messy .

He looked so vulnerable .

I immediately threw my arms around him and hugged him to me tightly . He cried in my arms . We both cried in each other's arms seeking comfort in each other .

It felt like hours just standing there crying our worries and sorrow out for each other .

We understand each other . We know what we are going through . We are in this together . He hugged me tighter seeking that comfort which he provided me again and again .

I rocked him back and forth . I tightened my hold and whispered sweet words just like he did to me . We were always there for each other .

" He hates me Emma . Kayden hates me . " he said . His voice cracked at the end and he started crying again . My tears were too just falling . This person standing in front of me is so strong . He never cried like this .

" He don't hate you Mason . He could never hate you . When you were with nurse he asked me about your health . He said that he never leaves his friend alone . He always keeps tabs on them . He loves you . He is just angry on you . He could never hate you . " I told him .

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