Chapter 22 -Universe is working against me

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Hey guys .

So here's the next chapter .


Emma's POV

I hugged myself as I got out of the car . I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realized that I had forgot to take my bag back out of the car . Mason came running towards me with his and mine bag in his hands .

" Emma you gonna be alright ?" He asked .

" Yeh . I mean I will be just fine ." I assured him and took my bag from his hands and started moving towards my locker .

As soon as I stepped inside the main doors I felt the air shift around me . There were murmurs all over the corridor . Students must have seen me having a mental breakdown .

But there was something that got my interest peaked up . There were murmurs of this new boy who was apparently very rich and hot .

I opened my locker and went through my things . It's been a while since I have arranged my locker properly .

There are so many things that I have to do correctly . My grades are falling apart . I barely made it out of the junior year and now when I have seen him . I know that he is here . I know if I will be seeing him again I don't even know that I could even graduate or not .

I'm jerked away from my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder . Instinctively, I jerked the hand away and tensed up .

" Relax Emma , its only me ." Whoops it's Evelyn .

" I'm sorry I thought you were Simran " I said . Although I was telling a lie but I know that she bought it . I was good at it . Telling lies this is all I have done from past two years . This is my life now . I have to accept it .

" Huh! You are comparing me to that bitch . How good of you Emma . I'm feeling so good ." She scoffed .

" I'm sorry Eve . So what is it that you are here instead of on Richard's locker ?" I asked her and raised my eyebrow in suspicion.

" Umm you see I came to see you . Can't I come ?" She battered her eyes and tried to give me that innocent look I clearly know .

" No you can't . Now tell me what is it ? "

" Okay .. So there is this guy that is extremely hot and-"  she was telling me .

" Wait wait . What ? Are you seriously going to tell me how rich and hot that guy is because whole school is talking about him and I'm not interested. So meet you in maths ." I cut her off and started making my way towards homeroom .

" Hey Evelyn "

I stopped dead in my tracks . No last night wasn't a dream nor was this voice .

I exactly know who this voice belongs to without even turning around and seeing this person's face .

He is here .

He is in the school .

This is bad .

Real bad .

Now I feel like universe is working against me .
How nice .

" Hey " Eve replied .

" Uh wait I want you to meet to my best friend"
she said

" Hey Em . Will you come over here . Please ." She called me from behind and trust me when she asked it wasn't like she was asking . What she actually want to say is that you have to come here or I will drag your ass over here if you don't come .

So I did the best thing I could do .

I took out my phone and started pretending that I was talking to someone on the phone .

" Oh hey "

" Yaa I'll be in the class real soon ." As soon as I started walking a hand stopped me from doing so .

I turned around to see Evelyn giving me the best and scariest glare of hers .

" I'm sure that could wait . Now come on " she said and soon her face had the brightest smile and she took my hand and led me to him .

This isn't good .

What if he know it's me ?

" So this is Emma my so called dear best friend and Emma this is Kayden " that name just gave shocks throughout the body .

Everything was silent . He was silent . As if he is observing me . What if he has identified me . No that isn't possible, right ?

The hallway also became silent to see what is happening between us . Why can't these people do their own damn work .

" Hey Emma " he said and put his hand in front for a hand shake .

Hand shake .

I hadn't any physical contact with any boy from two years instead of Mason and Richard ( of course I have physical contact with my family ) .

I slowly brought my hand in front of me to shook his hand . When our hand was in perfect handshake he squeezed my hand a little more. I saw in his eyes for the first time we have been introduced . It's like he was telling me something but I didn't get it .

I retracted my hand and gave him a small smile and turned around and went to girls restroom .

I immediately dialed Mason's number and he picked up at third ring .

" Hey Emma where the hell are you . I'm waiting for you in class room . "

" Mason I saw him today . I saw him . We shook hands . Oh my god . Mason I'm freaking out . " I blabbered .

" Calm down Emma . He won't have recognized you . Calm down and come to class like a normal kid . Come on ."

" Yaa you are right . There's no way in hell that he recognized me . I'll be in class in 3 mins "

And with that new found courage I went to class .


Picture of Kayden above . 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻✌🏻

Yup chapter completed .

So how's every one doing ?

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Who is Kayden?

Why is Emma freaking out because of him ?

So any guesses ?

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Love you all

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