Chapter 9 - That was so embarrassing

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Hey guys long time no see .

This is an important announcement.
Please read this
In this book so far I have mentioned that Emma went through an incident which terrified her life . I said that this incident took place 3 years ago but now instead of 3 years that incident took place 2 years ago. I have tried to correct it in the chapters but if there is 3 years written somewhere ignore my mistake and just assume 2 years instead of that .
I m sorry for the mistakes .
Thank you
I love you all

( Edited 😁 )


Emma's POV

After my encounter with Simran I went to my first class which was Mr K 's.

Today's gonna be hell of a day .

I went inside and took a seat in the further last corner of the class to keep myself hidden from Mr K but I know already it was gonna to go waste since he always pick upon me so he will look for me in the every corner of the class .

Ufff !

These teachers nowadays .

Mr K entered the class and went off with his lecture . I zoned it all out .

I was tired .

I'm a mess .

My life has been a mess from past 2 years .

From damn 2 long years .

I don't want live this life .

I don't want to play this game anymore .

This horrible game of hide and seek .

The game of revenge .

I don't want to hide from him.

But if I don't he'll come for me .

I want to end it all .

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't heard the bell rang .


The rest of the day went as boring as ever .

In this whole damn day I was thinking about my life . I was so engrossed in thinking over it that I forgot about my mums dinner .


She will kill me if I'm late .

I made my way towards my home . I got in and went to my room as quick as I could .

4:45 pm

Pfft !

That was close . I decided to get ready for the dinner because it was almost 5 'o clock and I wanted to look presentable in front of my mums long lost best friend because of my mother .

Uhhh! What we guys do for our parents .

I went towards my closet and opened and walked in it .

Hmmm , so what should I wear for tonight ?

Something sexy ?

Nah . It's just a dinner .

Something fancy ?

Nope . It's not like we are going to some fancy restaurant.

Something classy and elegant and yet nice on me ? And something that looks simple .

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