Chapter tweleve.

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So close but, yet so far. I was so close to the line and now I don't even know where I am. My tongue tastes like honey and I have sweat on my brow, I wipe it away and sigh.

"You, my dear, were in terrible shape. Good thing I stumbled upon you before something went terribly wrong, or you passed out." My head jack knives at the sound of the stranger's voice, it is sweet but has an edge to it. I push myself up from where my body lays, either on a couch or a bed, and search for the stranger.

"Who are you?" My voice sounds like a child's compared to their booming voice. A chill runs down my spine as they enter the room. He was beautiful, which was strange for a boy/man. He held a shirt in his hand leaving his chiseled tan torso in full view. He reminded of me of Night but only if Night had a smug look on his lips all the time.

"I, am Set." His voice dripped of arrogance and kindness, not a good mixture. His blue eyes sparkle despite being lined in thick kohl eyeliner. He bows and stands, his smug look turns into a smirk, well more like a grin.

"Set? I've heard of that before." My mind races, searching for the answer, it sounds familiar but nothing shows up.

"Egyptian god." He says it so flatly, like it is nothing.

"The Set. Evil Egyptian god." He nods and smiles, his skin glows with light then dulls to a darker tan. He looked like he held the sun inside of himself. "How did you do that?"

"You believed or worshiped, and I grew stronger. If I were to believe in you, the Devil's daughter or worship you, then you too would grow stronger."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't, your still a child."

"A child? I am 2000 years old." I huff, how dare he call me a child.

"Yes, a child. Your existence was just barley heard of by my brothers and sister. Your life compared to mine is when you compare your life to a mortals. You are a second, no, a millisecond to my lifespan, you are just a speck of dust under the light of Ra."

"So, I am nothing to you then?"

"At this moment, yes, but you do have the potential to be the most fearsome immortal alive and then some more. At this moment you are a child, but come the summer of The Great Comet. You will be at the height of your power and you will surpass myself and all other gods and immortals."

"How wonderful, another prophecy."

"Not a prophecy, prophecy's have loopholes. I am telling you the truth, there is a comet coming that brings the birth of a new god, and that is you. When lives are being burned and forests and natural life are catching flame, those are signs that the comet is getting closer."

"But that has been happening forever. They call those wildfires."

"They who? Mortals?! Ha, don't make me laugh. Mortals make that up, psh. Wildfires. Only an idiot would believe that." I glare at him as he snorts, could it be true that wildfires are signs of something happening. "Mortals try to come up with something scientific to cover up things they don't understand." I guess that makes sense, mortals being mortals.

"How long do I have until the comet comes?" My voice shakes with delight and confusion.

"The comet is close but will not come until it feels you are ready, and when you need it most." He shrugs and gives a smirk, he hands me a glass of water but snatches it away before I can grab it.

"What are you doing?" I pull the glass away from his hand and look into his blue eyes. His eyes crinkle at the edges when he smirks.

"I hear you're having trouble with your moon."

The god complex (Book one of The Devil's Daughter trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now