Cold As Ice and Stone

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My body is a fortress

Of ice, stone, and steel

I feel nothing

Every expression of emotion

Doesn't exist

Save for...




They make me feel human

I'm not

I'm a robot

I laugh without humor

I joke without thought

I speak without feeling

I'm cold as ice and stone

I've forgotten what

Love is

Feels like

I hug and wish I felt something

I feel empty

Nothing there

All gone

I inspire, care, take charge

Through my words

But there's no attachment

Behind it

I have lost touch with the world


My soul is missing

I get easily irritated

I isolate but only partially

Facebook is my companion

But even then

I'm cold as ice and stone

My words have become worthless

Even to me

I'm good at putting together

Meaningful sentences

I am a writer after all

But Medusa took my

Internal light and turned it to

Impenetrable stone

I am sorry to those I love

Even if I feel nothing

I do remember the feeling of it

Hope I will feel it again soon

Misery is not my destiny

But to battle this illness

My body built walls

Thick walls

That will not come down

Or be blasted through

It made me jaded

I live



As a shell of a human

Yet I feel alien

Not working right

This can't be forever

Perhaps I'm not a soulless creature

But just one waiting to come out of prison

This hell hole of sickness

So then my heart, soul, mind, and body

Will find peace and unite in emotions

Of love

Then I will melt the ice

Break the stone

And let the light shine through and through

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