Bitch Doctor

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We all have doctors

We have seen

That aren't up to par

But that's nothing


To the

Bitch doctor

I saw

Just because

MD is stitched into

Lab coat

Doesn't give one

The right

To treat patients

Like they're trash

When a patient walks into

A doctor's office

For the first time

It's the doctor's job

To shake hands

And introduce oneself

Not look at said patient like

"What do you want?"

Patients with state insurance

Aren't second class citizens

Patients with ME

Aren't crazy

Just because

You're too stupid

To not know anything

About the illness

How dare you

Be rude to my mother

Who gave you the right?

You don't know anything

About me and yet

You pass judgment

You tell me

That it's ridiculous

That I need a wheelchair

To get fresh air

You have no idea

What it's like to crawl

On your hands and knees

To the bathroom

You have no idea

That walking up a flight of stairs

Feels like you've run a marathon

You have no idea

What it's like to need help

In the shower

Because you have no energy

To do it yourself

I'm not mentally ill

But after everything I saw

I definitely believe you are

At the very least you

Flunked astronomy

Because the world

Revolves around the sun

Not you

You angry bitch doctor

You sit there

Passing judgment on me

With your attitude

80s hairdo

Looking like a cross

Between a scarecrow

And big bird

Read a book or two

It's the 21st century

Just because you can't

Poke it with a stick

Doesn't mean it doesn't exist

Lady, you don't

Know the first thing

About me

Nor my life

Nor my experiences

You don't deserve

To see patients

You belong in some

Boot camp

Yelling at young recruits

That's the only

Place for

Bitch doctors


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