One Life

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Boone

*Dedicated to Stephanie Simmons who just like this poem is on the edge of a wonderful new beginning.*

Today is a new day

It's not yesterday or tomorrow

Take it for what it is

Only the strong ones

Are given

Challenges to face

Because G-d knows who can

Handle them

Learn from them

And who cannot

You, me, everyone

Are given

One life

This time around

Live it without regrets

Enjoy the little things

If today is a bad day

Tomorrow will be a new one

While today will become the past

Leave it there

Carpe Diem ~ seize the day

Jump blindly

Smile wildly

Laugh loudly

Love strongly

Listen intently

You will find your way

Every little thing happens for a reason

Every person you meet

Every sound you hear

Every sight you see

Every lesson you learn

We are surrounded by beauty

Loving people every day

Now it's time to love ourselves

Because in this

One life

We are given

We must be grateful for it all

Despite all the negativity we may feel


You, me, everyone

Were created by and from love

So with love

From one human being to another

I give this to you

For hope, life, and eternal peace

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