How Could You?

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How could you

Do this to me?

Was I that horrible

A person to you?

That bad of a friend?

I was always there for you

Even when you didn't

Tell me

What was wrong

I was always

Just a phone call away

How could you

Get angry with me

For not being healthy enough for you?

Or for not doing the methods

That you thought were right?

How could you

Make it so it was

Your way

Or the highway?

How could you

Ignore me?

What the hell?

How could you

Have a limit on caring?

I called you my best friend

How could I

Get it so wrong


Maybe the third time

Will be the charm

Or will I never trust

Anyone again?

But not even you can

Make me lose

Faith in humanity

As a whole

How could you

Not treasure me

As much as I

Treasured you?

But as I always say

Everything is

A lesson learned

And as soon as

This buffalo

Gets off my chest

I'll move on

Yet again

After all, what other choice do I have?

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