Rocket Fuel

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  • Dedicated to Wendy Santa Maria-Sloss

Every Wednesday

My poor ass

Gets an infusion

Of medical

Rocket fuel

It burns like a mother fucker

Imagine a fire poker...

Blazing hot

With lava

Sharp as a

Great white shark's teeth

Rammed into the side of

Your weeping toohis

A whole process


You have to

Get from

Point A


Point B

First you lay

On an ice pack

For a half hour

Then this chalk white


Gets slowly


Into you

And by slowly

I mean a

Senior citizen snail


And the inside of your

Boom boom

Feels like

Mt. Vesuvius

Blew up

After it's over

The rocket fuel

Burns like

It's on a NASA platform

On its way into outer space

It stings like

A wasp's nest has

Taken over your backside

Lastly it's time

For a heating pad

The warmth

Sooths the intensity of

The burning log

Imbedded in your caboose

Now with some meds

The pain has subsided

Until next time

When this

Rocket fuel

Comes in contact

With bare flesh

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