Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Author’s note: Welcome to my fourth fanfiction, about the third boy in Il Volo, the singing trio from Italy. This one is about Ignazio Boschetto, whose name can be difficult to pronounce. It’s essentially EEN-YAHT-ZIO.  16-year-old Ignazio himself teaches how to say it in the Youtube video “Learn Italian With Il Volo,” posted by Linora Low. . I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted anything, but it’s because I’ve been so busy with this fanfic! Like with my other Il Volo stories, I encourage you to look up the group and the songs mentioned, as it may help the effect of the story. I also want to mention that “Michele” is pronounced like “Mick-ell-ay,” and it wasn’t just me trying to spell “Michel”.  Michele Torpedine is the actual manager of Il Volo. You can email me at annawritesfanfiction at gmail dotcom (the site may not let me write the address normally.) I hope you enjoy the story!

(Previously posted on fanfiction dot net)

–Anna Babin (annawritesfanfiction)

On the first of August, I headed to Harrison with an unbearable excitement in my chest. I hurried along the pavement, my red high-tops slapping against the ground. I couldn’t help doting on what a beautiful day it was. The sky was a bright blue, with clouds so fluffy they were like cotton candy, and so close I could seemingly pluck them from the sky and put them in my mouth. It was a warm, sunny, and bright Florida morning- a perfect day to receive my long-anticipated assignment.

          The day was called Assignment Day by the students of The Harrison Academy of Film and Photography. It was a day regarded with eager ambition, the day when students accepted employment by the largest, most well-known companies throughout the world.

          Harrison was the best film and photography school in The States, and everyone with these particular passions longed to get in. Harrison only had about three hundred attending students, and each one had approached the Academy on their own and displayed their unbelievable talent and promise. Harrison trained and bred photographers of all ages, and I was one of the rare children who started attending classes at age eleven. Every day after school I had gone to the Academy and received my strict training. It took all of my time and effort, but had helped me to grow into an amazing photographer. I had recently been attending Harrison along with advertisement classes at a local college.

          Though my parents were uncertain about photography as a career, Harrison attendees never went hungry. Students of the academy were in high demand, and any company that was worth anything jumped at the chance to snatch up their own Harrison student.

          But I had set my eyes on one company in particular, and today I was certain that the position I longed for, trained for, was mine at last!

          I entered the gates of the Academy and went to the waiting room for my turn to receive my assignment. I was the last of today’s students to meet with the headmaster, and I sat alone in the room, fidgeting in excitement and impatiently watching the hands on the clock slowly move.

          After several minutes of silence, the door to the headmaster’s office burst open, and a girl named Eve hurried forth, squealing in excitement.

          “Tamzin!” she cried when she saw me, waving about her folder containing her assignment. “I have the most amazing assignment!”

          “Congratulations!” I said, jumping up as she scurried up to me. “What did you get?”

          “I’m going to be a photographer for the great, the powerful-”

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