Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I reached out from under the covers and grabbed my phone, turning off the alarm and setting it back down on the bedside table. I sighed and reached my hand back under the comforter, closing my eyes. It was so warm and comfortable under the covers…

Realizing that I was drifting back to sleep, I pried myself off of the mattress and out from under the blankets, into the cold air of the room. I rubbed my face and looked at the hotel clock.

Five A.M. Time to get ready to go.

I dressed, ate, and got ready to leave for the airport, moving sleepily and yawning as I went. I put the remainder of my things in my suitcase and pulled it to the door, then got my camera bag and set it on top. I looked back at the hotel room one last time, and then walked slowly toward the window, pushing back the curtains and peering out at the dark New York skyline. I could feel the cold through the window, and I shivered, taking one last look at the city before I let the curtain fall again. I turned and went back to the door, crouching in front of it to pull on my red high-tops. I pulled on my coat and then tugged up the handle of my suitcase, draping my heavy camera bag over my shoulder.

I turned off the lights and wheeled my suitcase as quietly as I could into the hallway. I carefully closed the door and then squinted through the dim hall lighting. I started toward the elevator, pulling the suitcase wearily behind me. As I passed Ignazio’s door, I stopped, looking at it and picturing him sleeping within. We had said our goodbyes the night before, but I gingerly laid my hand on the cold wood and whispered, “Good bye, Ignazio. See you in January.”

          As I passed the doors of the others, I whispered last goodbyes to them, too, in the darkness.

          “Goodbye, Gianluca. Goodbye, Piero. Goodbye, Michele. Goodbye, Barbara. Goodbye, band members.”

          As I approached the elevator doors, I was surprised when they opened and in the glow of the light inside, I saw Ignazio standing in the doorway in his brown leather jacket and jeans.

          “Ignazio!?” I said, smiling suddenly. “What are you doing awake? You should be sleeping!”

          “I set my alarm for the same time you did,” he said a bit groggily, smiling as he held open the door for me. I wheeled my suitcase inside and he hugged me and kissed my cheek as the doors slid shut. He took my camera bag from me and slung it over his own shoulder.

          “I want to drive you to the airport in the rental so I can tell you goodbye right before you leave.”

          “Really?” I stared at him, incredulous. “You got up at five A.M. just to drive me to the airport?”

          “Yes,” he said, resting his hand lightly on my waist. “After today, I won’t get to see you for four more weeks.”

          I nodded, and then leaned forward to kiss his cheek, making him smile.

          “Thank you. I’d much rather ride with you than with a random cab driver.”

          The doors opened, and Ignazio insisted on wheeling my suitcase for me, too. We walked together to the lobby, where I checked out, and then we went out to the parking lot, into the freezing air. I squinted and drew my coat tighter around me as I hurried beside Ignazio to the rental car.

          He put my things in the backseat, and then we got in and he started the drive to the airport. We were quiet, except for our quick breathing from the hurrying through the parking lot. I watched him watching the nearly empty roads as he drove, admiring his thick dark hair, his dark eyebrows and sweet eyes, his soft expression, his broad shoulders and his gentle hands on the steering wheel.

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