Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

          “Alright, boys!” I called, stepping onto the coffee table and blocking the T.V. in Ignazio’s condo to get their attention. “Tomorrow we leave for Chicago! Michele and I want you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for six!”

          “My tail isn’t bushy until nine!” Piero said, and then ducked and laughed when I jumped down and pretended to whack him with a copy of the calendar.

          “I’m excited,” Gianluca said from where he sat texting his little brother in a corner of the room, “With you monitoring our publicity, after this month I wouldn’t be surprised if every family in the country has heard of us!”

          “That’s the idea!” I said, nodding eagerly.

          “Where to first, captain?” Ignazio asked from the kitchen, as he stirred the soup was making for our group and for Gatica and Renis, and I put my hands on my hips.

          “I gave you the calendar!”

          “Yeah, but it’s in my suitcase, and you’re holding it.”

          “Memorize it! You packed already?”



          “I’m only kidding, Tamzin!” He put down the spoon and came over to me, stepping over Piero’s feet on the coffee table as he passed the couch. He took my face in his hands and kissed my cheek.

          “I’m packed and ready to go, my dear.”

          “We’re going to that morning news program first,” Piero said boredly as he stared at his phone screen.

          “Yes!” I said, and then turned to Ignazio, “See, Piero knows the schedule!”

          “Or I just have a picture of it on my phone.”

          He laughed as I pretended to whack him again, and then Ignazio tugged on my arm.

          “Come on, Tamzin, come and taste the soup.”

          “And stop abusing me,” Piero said, and jumped over the arm of the couch when I held the rolled paper above me and jumped toward him.

          I laughed and followed Ignazio to the kitchen, where he scooped up a spoonful of soup and handed it to me to taste.

          “It’s perfect, Ignazio,” I said after I had tasted it, handing him back the spoon.

          “Excellent,” he said, kissing my cheek. Then he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. “Tamzin, I just want you to know how proud I am of you.”


          “For being the best photographer we’ve ever had, for the merchandise you’ve created for us, for getting us all these interviews, for putting up with my silliness-”

          I laughed, and he kissed my cheek.

          “And especially for deciding to stay with us.”

          I looked up at him.

          “I love working with you guys.”

          “I know, but you also love your landscapes, and I know it took a whole lot to give that up for us. I’m so glad you’re staying. Thank you for being so committed to us. I love you.”

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