Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Back to the U.S. we flew, and we kept the promotional tour going. We went from city to city, interview to interview, and the boys were as delightful and charming as ever. The fan group boomed, and Il Volo CDs were flying off the shelves. The response from the public to Il Volo was always remarkably positive, and we were in a happy whirlwind of excitement as we traveled around the country.

Michele and I were planning the Christmas tour, and before long he revealed the plans to have a tour for the new CD, starting late January, and the boys and I were ecstatic.

With all the planning and constant television appearances, I had little time to go out to do landscape photography, though I wanted to whenever I looked out a hotel window over the landscape below.

We finished quickly with our return to the U.S., and then we were headed back to Latin America at a dizzying pace, headed to Nicaragua. I wanted to stay in the U.S. to keep drumming up publicity, trying as best as I could to help them get the AMA.

I dreamed about it, both good dreams and bad, about going with them to the awards show and either watching them get it or watching someone else get it and knowing we were so close.

I knew Ignazio wanted to stay in the U.S. too, and in the airport he gazed forlornly out at the last of the country he would see until we returned in mid-November for the awards show.

“It’s okay,” I said, moving closer to him and kissing him when he looked at me. “I’ll do everything I can to help you get it, even though we won’t be here in the country.”

He smiled brightly and kissed my cheek.

“It’s okay, Tamzin. If we don’t get it, I’ll still be happy we got nominated.”

Then he returned to gazing somberly out the airport window, and I vowed that he must get it. He just had to, and I started wondering if maybe everything I did wasn’t enough and wondering what else I could do.

We went to Nicaragua, and I posted pictures and a video of their interview, and then I decided to translate it to English for the U.S. fans and got Barbara to help me. I vowed to translate all the interviews, and Barbara graciously agreed to help.

          We would only be in Nicaragua for two days before moving to the next location, and I was constantly wondering in the back of my mind if I’d have time to photograph it. Its thick, dense jungles were dangerously inviting, and I longed to go out and explore and photograph it. From my window in the hotel I could see the lush vibrant green of the plants, the way the earth moved into mountains and dips, and in the distance I could see the blue sky above the land.        

When I went to bed on the second night in Nicaragua, I disappointedly accepted that I would not have time to go out.

          Until, that is, I woke up early in the morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I decided to get up, even though our flight wasn’t until later and I had time to sleep in. I had breakfast and got dressed, and then I froze in front of the window, watching the sun rising up behind the jungle, casting dark shadows among the plants and towering trees.

          “Woa…” I breathed, and then turned and looked around the small hotel room, thinking. I slowly started to pack, wondering if there was any immediate work I had to finish. Finding none, I made up my mind to go out, and I immediately began to rush around the room, packing as fast as I could, the exhilaration stirring inside me.

          I strapped on a watch, planning to be back at nine at the latest, since Michele said we’d leave at ten.

          Then I leaned my suitcase against the wall beside the door, with my empty camera case on top, and left, deciding that that’d be enough to tell them that I’d gone out.

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