Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

          “Michele, I need to talk to you,” I called, finding the door to his condo unlocked and going inside. I found him sitting at a desk in the corner of the room, and he turned in his wheeled chair and smiled.

          “Yes, please come in, Tamzin,” he teased, and I strode across the room, my camera bouncing lightly against me and sending a jolt of energy through me as I remembered my plan. I pulled up a chair next to his desk and sat, taking off my camera and holding it in my lap.

          “Okay, so you know that short documentary that you had made about putting together the PBS special for “We Are Love?” ”

          “Of course,” he said, tapping his pen in his palm. “Where they videoed us setting up and interviewed us about the concert.”

          “Exactly! It was great! The fans loved it! They loved having a peek into the background, how things get put together and how the plans are carried out! I posted some clips of it online again, just bringing it again to the attention of the Il Volovers, and they loved it! They all had good things to say about it, and some of them said they’d love to see another documentary made!”

          “Yes…” he said, nodding, and I smiled, seeing I had his full attention. He waited for me to continue, and I set aside my camera on the desk and sat up straighter. “So don’t you think the fans would love to see a documentary about how an Il Volo album is put together!? They’d get to see the process, see them at work in the studio…”

          “Uh-oh, what am I agreeing to here?” he asked, and I smiled.

          “I want to have a documentary made about the album-making process, and what better time than now, as you start on this CD!?”

          “Tamzin,” he sighed, and I paused, my hands in the air in front of me, illustrating my vision. “It sounds nice, but I’m not sure about this. The other one was expensive, and kind of a pain to have made. There was so much editing we had to be present for, and the company we hired got in the way of our working. Plus, that documentary was filmed in a very short period of time, and one about the album-making process would span the whole time we’re putting together the album. I’m not sure if we could find a company that would-”

          “I’ll make it.”

          His voice faltered, and he raised his eyebrows at me, and then leaned back in his chair, watching me.

          “You want to make it?”

          “Yes! I took film classes at Harrison, and I want to try to put together this documentary. My camera is a film-camera too, not just photography, and I want to do this!”

          He sighed, tapping his pen in his palm again as he observed me.

          “Tamzin, I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.”

          “Maybe not. But I want to run with it!”

          “We might not use it, though, if you make it.”

          “I know. I’ve taken that into account. But if it’s good, then you’ll want it, at least to put online or something. And it’ll be good, I promise you!”

          “Okay, but just know that I can’t guarantee we’ll use it.”

          “I can’t guarantee I’ll listen to you if you tell me not to make it.”

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