Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

          When we landed in Mexico, we went to a small but nice hotel where we got settled. I unpacked some things from my suitcase and went to speak with Michele, who reminded me that the boys had a private TV interview in the evening, and that I had to be present to take photos.

          “Meet us in front of the hotel at six,” he instructed me, and then dismissed me. I hurried back to my room and excitedly grabbed my camera and left the hotel. I jogged past the three boys in the lobby and then out the door, running to immerse myself in Guadalajara.

          I roamed about the Mexican wonderland, scrambling into strange places and heights to get good pictures. I ignored the heat as I moved quickly and feverishly throughout the land, laughing in exhilaration with my heavy camera slung around my neck.

          I planned to be back at the hotel before four to take a shower and get ready to go out. But when four arrived, I pushed the thought of going back out of my head as I scrambled into a tree and positioned the camera.

          I decided not to go back until four-thirty, and decided that no matter where I was, I would pry myself away from the landscape and return to the hotel.

          But at four-thirty I refused to go back, and at five I looked at my watch and gasped in surprise as I began my long sprint back to the hotel room. By the time I got to the hotel, it was fifteen minutes to six, and I ducked through the lobby where Michele was already waiting as I dashed to my room.

          I startled Gianluca as I sprinted by him in the hallway, and he turned and called, “Tamzin, are you okay!?”

          I turned breathlessly and gave him a quick nod before turning and scurrying into my hotel room.

          I ran to the mirror and raised my eyebrows at my appearance as I panted to regain my breath. I looked frightful, with my face red, my blonde hair darkened with sweat, and my shirt and shorts dirty and wrinkled.

          I was a pretty punctual person, and I was usually early for things. It was strange that I was in such a rush, but surprisingly, I felt rather remorseless. So what if the boys had to wait a few extra minutes? It was a small price for them to pay for cutting my time capturing Guadalajara short.

I turned and hurried to the sink, where I grabbed a cloth and ran it under the cold water, wiping at my flushed face and then flinging it aside as I leaned forward to gulp the water straight from the faucet.

          Then I stepped back and looked around, wondering where to start to make myself look presentable in only a few minutes. There was no time for a shower, and I peeled off my clothes and settled for wiping the sweat off of myself with the cloth. I relatively doused myself in body spray, reapplied deodorant, and grabbed a new shirt and dress pants from my suitcase. I dressed hurriedly, hopping to the mirror as I yanked on the pants, where I pulled my dirty hair back into a quick ponytail. I grabbed my camera and hurried to the lobby, where the boys, Barbara, and Michele were waiting for me, the boys all looking dashing in tuxedos.

          I paused for a moment and took a deep breath before I strolled coolly over to them.

          “Hey,” I said, hanging the camera around my neck as I approached.

          “Tamzin, finally!” Michele said, “We’ve got to get going. Come on, guys.”

          The boys all smiled at me, and I shied away when Ignazio moved to hug me. He smiled gently and allowed me to avoid the hugging, and the six of us walked outside to the cars Michele had rented.

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