Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

          I sat in one of the front seats of the circular theatre, working on my laptop as I watched the boys out of the corner of my eye. They stood on a huge circular stage that would spin slowly during the concert, a strange idea that I regarded with certain distaste. Because of the unusual nature of this Canadian theatre, the boys had to figure out how to arrange their show in the best possible manner, and Michele directed them and tried to calm their silliness. Ignazio was especially the instigator of their shenanigans, as he sang funny music and got Piero to dance with him, making Gianluca laugh and join in.

          I raised my eyebrows and then rolled my eyes when Ignazio turned to me for approval, and then I returned to the laptop, propping up my red high-topped shoes on the speaker in front of me. I scrolled through the Il Volo website, making sure the new photos I had uploaded had come out nicely as I sipped the root beer a stagehand had gotten me.

          Intent on my screen, I jumped when Ignazio dropped into the theatre seat beside me. I turned my head to him, taking in his bright smile, and then returned to the laptop.

          “Good morning, Tamzin,” he said, still smiling at me, and I looked up at him and then at Piero and Gianluca trying to figure out where to stand. “How are you feeling?”

          “I’m feeling animosity toward the stage,” I remarked, and he laughed.

          “The stage? It’s different isn’t it?”

          “No, it’s impractical! If I’m paying for a concert, I don’t want the singers to be rotating in circles! I want to see all of you the whole time! If I’m watching you, I don’t want to see the back of you, even if there is another singer who’s facing me! It’s a very off-putting arrangement, and I think Il Volo should have picked another theatre to sing in! And another thing, what about the singers!? What if they get dizzy!? It’s ridiculous!”

          I noticed Ignazio watching me in amusement, with raised eyebrows and a suppressed smile.

          “What?” I demanded, and he smiled.

          “Hmm…Feisty. Not feeling like working today, huh Tamzin?”

          I settled back in my chair and raised my eyebrows at him, and he mirrored me playfully.

          “I’m just sick of Canada,” I sighed, moving my feet as Gianluca jumped down from the stage and took hold of the speaker.

          “Me too, Tamzin,” Gianluca remarked, nodding in agreement before he lugged away the speaker.

“Then I have some good news for you,” Ignazio said to me, and I realized what he was referring to before he said it.

“Oh, right!” I exclaimed, brightening and sitting up straight. “We’re going back to the U.S. soon, aren’t we!?”

He nodded eagerly at my brightened demeanor.

“Yes, to promote and then begin the American Christmas concerts!”

“Brilliant!” I said, sharing his smile. “I can’t wait! I miss the U.S.”

“Soon, Tamzin…We still have a few more Canadian concerts to do, and then we’ll be able to go to the U.S. We’ll start on the Christmas concerts after some promotions, and after the dinner party at the Record Company, of course.”

“Dinner party? What dinner party?”

“Michele didn’t mention it yet? The banquet celebrating the release of the Christmas CD?”

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