Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

          “Not yet, my dear. At least wait until the snow stops,” Ignazio said from the small hotel suite kitchen as he watched me. I sighed and tore my eyes away from the window where I was staring longingly at the enchantingly immaculate falling snow.

          “I know,” I said dejectedly to Ignazio as I shifted on the hotel couch and looked over at my lonely camera lying on its chair.

          “Maybe this will cheer you up,” Ignazio said, coming up beside me carrying two steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

          “Ooh, thanks Ignazio!” I said, reaching out and carefully taking the mug from him. “Woa, what is this!?” I asked, seeing that the liquid inside the glass was white.

          Ignazio sat beside me and smiled wide, his dimples showing and his eyes shining, “It’s white hot chocolate with peppermint chips in it.”

          “Wow,” I said bewilderedly, shaking my head, “Fancy.”

          I moved the warm laptop off of my thighs and set it on the coffee table, then sat cross-legged on the sofa and sipped the white hot chocolate.

          Ignazio watched me intently, and when I smiled and licked my lips he smiled triumphantly and sipped his own.

          “Oh, you’ve been checking the sales information,” Ignazio said, seeing my laptop screen. He leaned forward and picked it up, adjusting himself on the sofa so he was sitting right next to me, his shoulder against mine. “Wow, Tamzin, the shirts are doing great!”

          “Aren’t they!?” I said excitedly, “And they haven’t even been up for up a week yet! I think people might be buying them up as Christmas presents!”

          “Probably so,” he said, setting it back down. He smiled at me and moved his arm around my shoulders.

          “Ignazio, you’re going to make me spill my hot chocolate!” I protested, leaning forward and shrugging him off.

          He shook his head, smiling, but complied.

          “Are you excited about tomorrow?” he asked eagerly.

          “For The Christmas Eve party not on Christmas Eve?” I asked, and he laughed, nodding.

          “Of course!”

          He was referring to the “New York Christmas Eve Extravaganza,” the huge outdoor Christmas concert in Times Square. There was going to be several different artists performing Christmas songs to a massive crowd of fans. It was a huge event, and it was an honor for Il Volo to be invited. I thought it would be a cool photography opportunity, with the extravagant stage decorations and a huge adoring crowd, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get to the photography spots I wanted. Michele said it didn’t really matter if my photos weren’t en pointe for this concert, since it would be televised anyway, but I disagreed, wanting to get superb photos to be able to present to the Il Volovers.

Though it wasn’t Christmas Eve yet, the concert was going to be televised on Christmas Eve, so for the artists performing, December 20thwas the new Christmas Eve.

          “I think it’ll be fun,” I said, shrugging, “A big Christmas party.”

          “This concert’s extra-special,” Ignazio said, and I nodded.

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