Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

As my feverish documentary-editing session one evening began to draw to a close and my excited state began to relax, I realized how hot it was in the condo, and I pulled myself back from my editing for a moment to sigh and fan myself. I was in a T-shirt and shorts, but the Los Angeles spring weather was getting to me. I refused to get up to turn on the air conditioner, too intent on the work in front of me. I finished putting together a few clips of the boys in the studio, and then I closed the program and finally drew back from the laptop.

My mind was racing, and the calm stillness around me seemed strange and distant. I plucked at my shirt collar, trying to cool myself off, and I stood from my chair and brought my camera to its case. I was very pleased with the work I had done that day, and the intensity of my happiness refused to fade as my breath slowed and my mind calmed.

I went to the back door and pulled on my red high-tops, lacing them up tightly to go out on the porch. It was cooler outside in the evening air than it was in my condo, and I needed to cool off after my excited working session. I opened the back door and stepped out onto the porch, closing it behind me and then walking forward. I stopped when I saw the sky. The setting sun filled the space above with a rich orange glow, and I stared in awe at its warm brilliance, looking to the spot where the sun’s rays pierced the color with a vibrant yellow. I followed the color upward back into the warm orange, and then kept going into the lighter, gentle orange that faded into a darkening blue that would soon dominate the sky.

          I stared at the brilliant scene, and then slowly walked forward, going down the steps and emerging from under the porch roof to see the sky in its entirety. I turned and surveyed the whole sky, lost in the colors that faded and moved into one another around me. The skyline was black against the vibrant orange, the tops of the trees reaching up toward its splendor.

          “Wow…” I breathed, and then I laughed at the sound of my own wonder, the sound filling the evening and encouraging the sunset’s beauty.

          I stood still for a moment, and then I whirled around and bounded back up the porch steps, throwing open the door and snatching my camera from its case. I raced back out into the evening, laughing with exhilaration as I dashed toward the sun in the far-off distance, leaving the condos retreating behind me.

          My heart raced and my head whirled with building excitement as I ran along the road, my camera bouncing against me and my red high-tops a blur against the darkening gray street.


An owl hooted right outside my window, startling me from my slumber. I opened my eyes and stared into the darkness, then closed them and snuggled deeper down into the covers on the bed, exhausted from my earlier adventure. The air conditioner kicked on after a minute, blowing gently and soothingly over me, and I drifted back to sleep, comforted by the gentle whirring and the warmth of the bed.

          I soon found myself standing in an empty dark space, and I whirled around, looking for someone or something in the darkness, trying to see through the blackness.

          “Hello, Tamzin,” Mr. Masters said as he walked up beside me and smiled merrily at me.

          “Mr. Masters! I haven’t seen you in a while!” I said, smiling brightly at the sight of him, and he smiled and nodded.

          “You’ve been busy with your Il Volo boys, haven’t you? I hope you’ve had fun with them! Are you ready to make your decision?”

          “What decision, Mr. Masters?”

          “Your career, of course. Your next assignment. Come with me.”

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