Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

          I watched the rain in silence for a long while, seeing the sky grow drastically darker until it looked like nighttime outside the window. The rain came down faster and faster until it was a loud torrent, and I watched the lightning pierce the sky right in front of the windows and heard the thunder roar. I crawled closer to the window and looked down at the streets far below beginning to flood.

          When I grew tired of listening to the rain, I got my phone and sat cross-legged in front of the window. I put on Il Volo’s “We Are Love” album and listened sitting in front of the window, watching the downpour and thinking, as if in a trance.

          When the evening came, I ate dinner in front of the window, and I couldn’t help thinking that if I had gone out, I would have definitely been caught in this deadly storm. I would have gone too far away from the hotel to return quickly, and the freezing rain would have chilled me to the bone. I could barely see through the outside darkness, and I wondered if I would have been able to find my way back in the blackness.

          I remained in front of the window for the duration of a second Il Volo album, feeling subdued and reflective, my earlier excitement and anger long since evaporated.

          When the album ended and the music faded to silence, I was surprised at the roar of rain outside the window. It was dangerously loud, and as the thunder exploded, I jumped and pulled out the earbuds.

          I stared out at the threatening storm with wide eyes at its intensity, and then pulled up my knees to my chest and settled my chin down on them.

          Another particularly loud clap of thunder made me jump, and I was plunged into darkness for a second when the power in the room flickered. I sat up, my subdued trance momentarily faltering, and looked up warily at the ceiling light, sincerely hoping it wouldn’t go out. I didn’t like darkness, because I hated not being able to see what was in front of me, being surrounded by the unknown.

          The lights stayed on, and I relaxed somewhat and watched the sheets of rain moving past the window.

          The lights flickered again, and I had just enough time to utter a quick plea for the lights to stay on before a clap of thunder plunged me into total darkness.

          I froze, lost in the blackness as I waited for my eyes to adjust. Gradually my vision returned and I could vaguely see the torrents of rain in what little light the evening allotted.

          I sat frozen before the window, staring outside, and then slowly turned and looked into the blackness of the hotel room. I cautiously rose from the floor and stood in the midst of the darkness. I turned back to the window and looked at the storm, and a flash of lightening momentarily lit up the room. When the light disappeared, I turned and moved quickly to the door, reaching out for it as I stumbled through the room.

          When I was right in front of it, it flew open and a tall, black figure loomed over me, face alight with flickering orange brightness.

          “Ah!” I cried, stumbling immediately backward and tripping over the laptop charger, going sprawling on the hard floor with a thud and a gasp. I looked up in fear at the figure towering above me, and then realized it was only Ignazio, standing in the doorway holding a candle with a surprised, concerned expression on his face.

          “Tamzin, are you alright!?”

          I untangled myself from the laptop wire and got up from the floor as Ignazio moved close and took my elbow in gentle concern.

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