Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

“Tamzin!” she cried, and I clung tightly to her, crying and shaking as relief flooded through me. She hugged me tightly back, saying my name over and over again.

“Come inside now!” she finally said, prying me off of her and leading me through the doors into the hall of dressing rooms. As the door swung shut, she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and led me briskly into one of the rooms. She shut the door behind her and took my face in her hands. “Tamzin, what’s going on!?”

“Where are the boys!?”

“Still meeting with the fans! Tamzin, tell me what’s going on!”

“I came back!” I pleaded tearfully, “I want to come back! This is my dream, Barbara, to be here! You don’t have a new photographer, do you!? Can I come back!?”

“Tamzin, yes, of course you can come back! I’m so glad to see you! How did you realize this!? Tell me what happened!”

          Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Barbara stepped away and opened it, letting in Michele.

          “Did I just see- TAMZIN!?”

          I jumped forward and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly, and then I pulled away and hurriedly told them everything that had happened since Ignazio had left me in D.C., panting and wiping the tears from my eyes as I explained.

          “We have our photographer back!” Barbara exclaimed when I finished, wrapping me in her arms again, and I laughed elatedly at hearing her say it, almost falling against her in relief. Michele hugged me again too and kissed my cheek, ranting about how happy he was to have me back and how thrilled the boys would be, Ignazio especially.

          I couldn’t wait to see them, and my heart was bouncing around in my chest with the idea of looking into Ignazio’s eyes again. The three of us went back into the hallway of dressing rooms, and as I walked with them, trembling with excitement, I saw the figures of Piero and Gianluca appear at the end of the hallway, escorted by a guard who led them out from the room of fans.

          They were wearing handsome black suits and ties and laughing, and then Gianluca looked up and froze, and Piero looked at him and then at me.

          They both instantly started running forward at the same time, eyes wide with disbelief as they yelled my name. I raced forward, my red high-tops slapping the ground as I sprinted toward them. Piero reached me first, and he swept me up off of the ground and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek and laughing in disbelief. Then he let me go and I turned and threw my arms around Gianluca, who also kissed my cheek and held my head to his shoulder as he squeezed me tight.

          “What are you doing here!?” Piero exclaimed when Gianluca released me, and I laughed with exhilaration.

          “I’m coming back! I’m going to be your photographer again!”

          “Really!?” Gianluca asked in excited disbelief, and Piero leaped into the air in excitement as Gianluca laughed at him.

          They pulled me into a group hug as they exclaimed their excitement to have me back.

          “Has Ignazio seen you!?” Gianluca asked suddenly, turning me toward him and taking me by the shoulders, and I shook my head and grabbed his arms.

          “No, not yet! Where is he!?”

          “Still at the meet-and-greet, talking with some of the fans!” Piero explained. “Hey, why don’t you go to his dressing room and we’ll tell him there’s someone waiting for him there!”

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