Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

          There were people nearby talking, and as faint snatches of the conversation reached me, I heard my name a few times. I didn’t recognize the voices, and I stayed quiet and just listened for a few minutes. As I started trying to figure out who was speaking, I grew aware of pain in my arm and my head, and I moaned weakly and opened my eyes, startled to find the bright lights of a hospital room surrounding me.

          I heard someone move quickly beside me, and then I looked up and saw a woman in scrubs peering down at me before she turned and hurried away. For a moment it was quiet, and I closed my eyes and listened. Then the door to the room opened and I watched as she, another nurse, and a doctor silently hurried back in.

          “Get out,” I groaned, but they crowded around me, whispering to each other about me. “Hush,” the doctor said, and the others quieted. “Ms. Montgomery, we’ve been waiting for you to wake up. How are you feeling?”

          “Get out.”

          “I need you to answer some questions for me, okay? How many fingers am I holding up?”

          “Why?” I said, and then in an instant memories of the crash came flooding back to me, and I gasped. “Ignazio!”


          “Where is he!? Where is he!?”

          I started to move, trying weakly to get up, and the doctor hurried to the side of the bed and placed a hand on my collarbone.

          “Don’t get up.”

          “No! Where is Ignazio!?”

          Pain shot through me as I stirred, and I looked down and saw my arm completely wrapped in tight bandages. I was still wearing my T-shirt and jeans, without the coat, and I was surprised to find that none of the blood had gone beneath it. The rest of my arms were covered in gashes, where Barbara must have seen all the blood she talked about, and my head was spinning.


          “You’re going to be alright. Do you know where you are?”

          “Get your hand off of me!”

          He did, and I immediately started to get up, prompting the nurses to come closer and pin me down by my shoulders, middle, and legs.

          “WHERE IS HE!?” I screamed, and immediately thought I might faint, but didn’t. The air seemed pretty thin, and I struggled for breath.

          “Your boyfriend is in the waiting room with his friends,” a nurse reassured me.

          “Let him in! He needs to know I’m okay!”

          “Oh, come on, please don’t throw a fit like he did,” the doctor said, rolling his eyes, and I looked up at him.


          “He was freaking out because we wouldn’t let him in to see you, but we eventually got his friends to calm him.”

          “Well, I’m awake now! Just let me see him! He just needs to know I’m okay!”

          “But you’re not okay yet! You need to lie down and quit acting so stupid!” one of the nurses scolded, and for a moment I was still, and it was quiet in the room. I felt their grips on me loosening. Then I thrashed, kicking and swinging my unbandaged arm around to push them back, and I jolted upward into a sitting position. I shoved back the nurse who grabbed me again, and the doctor rushed to the hallway and started yelling something as the nurses starting yelling at me.

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