Paging Dr. Sal

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The intercom came on...."Paging Dr. Sal, paging Dr. Sal." I was ready to get up off the gurney and find freaking Dr. Sal.

Dr. Sal came bursting through the door, she said "What do we have here?"

"X-rays show a broken radius in the right arm, and a broken ulna in the left arm, I don't know the damage to her lower body yet," attractive Caysen said.

"What's your name sweetheart?" Dr. Sal asked.

"Hailey," I replied in a low tone.

"We're going to get you taken care of baby girl, don't you worry," Dr. Sal reassured me. The nurses surround me, and were careful to move me. Tears flooded my eyes. They stung as they trickled down my face. It was the only emotion I could express right now. Dr. Sal was careful wiping them.

"James, take over," Dr. Sal said as she left the room. She left the room and other nurses came to soothe the burns. I could hear them, Caysen was explaining how they tried to save my parents, but they were ashes by the time they searched the car. Caysen was explaining that a man called 911. Dr. Sal interrupted,"Do we know any information on her? We have to call her family, stat!" Dr. Sal said.

Twenty minutes later, after getting no response from me about my family, I saw Kayden's gigantic smile as he was chatting it up with the secretary. I forgot he was at work tonight. He saw my face, did a double take, and his countenance dropped. He ran over to me in disbelief.

"HAILEY!" His voice cracked as the panic was flooding his mind. I looked at him and stared.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" He asked.

I closed my eyes. I didn't have the energy to keep explaining what happened. Kayden saw the shock marks, he saw the burns. He must have known how I skid across the concrete after I was tossed through the window.

"Kayden, this is not your area, go back to your section., Dr. Sal demanded.

"She's my sister!" Kayden panicked.

Dr. Sal turned towards me. I saw her hands on her hips, and the same panicked look on her face that Kayden had.

"Kayden," Dr. Sal said calmly. "We'll will take good care of her, you are free to go. Go get Kelli." "Kayden!" "Are you listening?"
Kayden nodded his head, but kept his eyes on me.
"Go get Kelli, and wait in my office. I will be with you both shortly, after I tend to your sister."

Kayden walked away slowly.

I couldn't see my chest, because my neck was in a brace. I panicked and tried to look, but Dr. Sal told me to lie back down. "Get these wounds bandaged, and stitches on her face, and thigh." Dr. Sal put another relaxer drug in my IV, and then left to get Kelli and talk to Kayden.

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