A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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We got home and I crawled into bed because I was so tired, but that didn't last long because Kayden told me to come downstairs for a family meeting. We were all sitting there waiting for answers on how the meeting went with Ms. Devaul.

"So I have some good news, and bad news, which one do you want first?" Kayden asked as he looked at all of us.

"The bad," we all said in unison.

"Okay well the bad news is Khloe, you Hailey, and Hannah are stuck with us for the next couple months, but the good news is Kelli and I are working shorter hours at work so we will be home and involved in your lives more, making sure you finish out the year sucessfully, before we decide if we want to give you over to foster care." Kayden hesitated on that last part.

"How are either one of those things good news?" I asked defensively.

"I think what Kayden meant to say is we are happy you're with us for the time being," Kelli interjected.

"And what Kelli is trying to say is they have to put up with us for the next couple months till we get handed over to the state," Khloe muttered.

"You two suck. Just give us away now!" I added.

"No! Hailey look at you, you look like hell, nobody wants to deal with that!" Kelli said. 

"Oh thanks, that makes me feel so much better! Just shut up Kelli!" I said pissed off.

"Don't tell me to shut up!" Kelli shouted. "And you know what, tomorrow we have a meeting with your teachers to figure out a plan so you don't have to repeat 6th grade!"

"Yay," I said sarcastically.

Khloe started laughing at me. Fortunately, my parents death came easy to her, she was more focused than anyone in school.

Then it just slipped.....

"Khloe is having sex!" I blurted out. It pained me to say that word, but I was mad.

"WHAT!?" Hannah shouted as she looked at Khloe. I almost forgot Hannah was in the room until she spoke up.

The expression on Kelli's face was like a picture worth a thousand words. She couldn't speak, she was in shock. Hannah just kept questioning.

"What the heck Hailey? What are you talking about, no I'm not, Kayden she's lying, that's so sick," Khloe said as she punched my arm.

Kelli's eyes were filled with disgust and disappointment as she stared at Khloe. Kayden was scratching his head in confusion as he sat down.

"Kelli stop looking at me like that, I didn't do it...." Khloe kept lying.

"Fine, if we're telling "lies" about each other, I bet you won't believe this one about Hailey," Khloe said.

"Shut up Khloe!" I looked over at her and begged her with my eyes not to tell.

"Hailey has been skipping school to go make out with her 'girl' friend Mya. I saw them yesterday pretty much down each others throats," Khloe said to get back at me. Everybody stared at me with jaws dropped.

"Who are you!" Kelli said with pure confusion.

"Uh...this is different....uh....wow.....um Haile...." Kaydens voice trailed off because I ran upstairs. I was good at that. I knew I couldn't hide, but running seemed like a good thing to do I these situations.

Meanwhile downstairs.

"They're lying, neither one of them would have the balls to do those things," Hannah stated.

"This family is falling apart!?" Kelli said as she put her arm around Khloe's shoulder.

"Stop it, we aren't friends!" Khloe said throwing her hand off of Kelli's.

"Anything you want to confess Hannah?" Kayden asked.

"Yeah actually, I thought I was pregnant, but it was a false alarm because I got my period yesterday." Hannah admitted.

"Jeez Hannah! We are a family of nurses and doctors, doesn't anyone know how to use a condom?!" Kelli said furiously.

"Uh, Hailey doesn't!" Khloe announced.

"So it's true? What Hailey told us?" Kayden asked. "You're not leaving till you talk," Kayden reassured her.

"Then I guess I'm not leaving" Khloe said.

"Give me your phone," Kayden said.

"Why?" Khloe asked with an attitude.

"Just give it to me!" He said. She gave him her phone. He immediately looked at her instagram account and found all these seductive photos being sent to Wes. Then he checked her text messages, and none of them were from Wes, but several of them were from a guy named Ryan.

"Khlo since you apparently dont care who sees your body, your door to your room and bathroom are coming off. You and Hailey have no freedom until your attitude and actions change. You're grounded until further notice." Kayden said.

"If you wanted to see us naked, then just say the word, because that's what it sounds like," Khloe said being so immature. Kelli walked over and slapped Khloe in the face.

"Knock it off smart ass!" Kelli said.

Khloe ran upstairs to our room and I saw the mark from Kelli's hand. She ran to the bathroom and began sobbing. She was quiet about her cry. I listened closely, she was crying out for our mom, and it was depressing.

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