Wake Up!

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I woke up lying on the couch. Somebody had moved me. My head and lip were throbbing from Hannah's punch. Everything was blurry, I laid there for a second thinking about my dream. I chose them, I chose my parents, why am I still here!??

The Calendar said March 30th.

"Did you finally choose?" Kayd asked.

"What?" I said checking my lip for blood.

"Did you finally choose what you want it to be....suffer three weeks punishment being grounded under mine and Kelli's rules as your legal guardians or go to foster care?" He said.

"When did you say anything about being my guardian?" I asked with confusion.

Kelli came walking in and said "She's pretending to play dumb because she doesn't want to deal with the consequences of her choices."

"I do!" I shouted. "Look you keep telling me to grow up, and I'm trying, please let me" I said, wanting to slap my sister!

"Stop with the attitude, you sound stupid" Kelli said annoyed.

"I hate you!" I said.

"Me?" Kelli replied

"Yeah, you send me on a roller coaster with my emotions and it drives me crazy!" I said feeling sorry for myself.

"You're no better! You are so exhausting to deal with! You should have been the one in the car that died, not mom and dad!" Kelli said to me with anger.

"Kelli!" Kayden shouted.

"No, no I didn't mean it Hails... " Kelli reached her arms out to hug me.

"Stop, don't touch me!" I yelled. "You have no idea how often I think about that." I started backing up in a corner, I was sweating so much, it was gross. I fell to the floor, my heart beating so fast. My head on fire, I lost control of my bladder ...I peed my pants, uncontrollably. My eyes filled with tears immediately. I forgot I had casts on my arms so I ended up scratching my eyes as I wiped them.

"Sick!" Khloe said as she walked by.

"Hailey, Kelli didn't mean, she's just upset," Kayden said as he reached for my hand. I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Stop," I said as I slapped his hand away. I put my head in between my legs and tried to breathe. I was embarrassed. I couldn't breathe, I looked up and saw the sad face of Kayden.

"Kelli go get her an ice pack, hurry!" Kayden said. He was checking my pulse. He was also checking my heart with a stethoscope. It was pulsing at an irregular speed.

"What is it?" Kelli asked while placing the ice pack over my head. The coldness felt good on my head.

"I think she's having an anxiety attack," he said.

"Hailey do you take medication for anything?" He asked me.

I stared at him with a blank stare.

"No she doesn't, I've checked all the prescriptions in the house" Kelli said.

"Everybody just go away!" I screamed. I couldn't calm down with all of them staring at me. I finally closed my eyes.

Five minutes later I calmed down and hung my head. I was ashamed that I had all these problems.

"Hails, sweetheart, tell us what's going on," Kelli said in a nurturing tone.

"No! You can't tell me you wish I was the dead one, then be comforting, I still hate you," I said with pure rage against my sister.

"Hailey, tomorrow first thing in the morning we are taking you to Dr. Kingsley, we have to figure out what's going on with you" Kayden said.

"No this is crap, why do I have to go to a doctor!?" I felt panicked again.

"Hailey! Look at you, you're not okay," Hannah said.

"Like you care! Stay out of it Hannah!"

I went to my room. I didn't want to be a part of my siblings psychological counseling. After showering, I laid there in bed. I was tossing and turning thinking about that dream. Trying to understand it. I couldn't. I was too sad. I finally fell asleep at about 3.

The next morning I could hardly wake up. I didn't have dreams or flashbacks. All I did was sleep.

"Hailey, get up, get ready, we have to leave in 30 minutes for your doctors appointment," Kayden said.

"Wait you're taking me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got you an appointment with one of the best pediatricians from my work." Kayden said.

"Well what is she going to do? What am I going to have to do? What if she asks me questions I can't answer? What if they are embarrassing questions?? Why can't Kelli take me?" I started freaking out again, I was so overwhelmed. My eyes started to water.

"Kelli is at work at least you'll see her when we get there, now lets go!" He said outraged at this point. I didn't want to see her.

I put on an oversized hoodie, went downstairs to eat, and I was ready to go. I was anxious. I made sure I didn't have to pee, I was still so embarrassed after peeing my pants.

We got to the hospital and I freaked out.

"I can't go in Kayd!" I said

"Hailey stop being ridiculous, lets go." he said.

I walked slowly. I kept looking around, I kept waiting to see my parents. There were so many look a likes. I saw my dads picture on the wall, and the sign that said he was a brain surgeon. I almost cried at the sight of his smiling face in the picture.

"Please, not here! Please don't start with the crying here, can we just get through this doctors appointment without you crying please..." Kayden begged me to stop. Even he was sick of seeing, hearing, and watching me breathe in sadness. He grabbed my arm and pulled me all the way to floor 3 where my doctors appointment was. He went to go check in, and Kelli was behind the counter looking at records.

"What is she wearing Kayden?! And why does she look like hell, did she even shower?" Kelli asked Kayden.

"She looks that way because she's 12! You looked that bad at 12, get over it....only the Callman men look good through every stage of life." Kayden said with confidence.

"Yeah, yeah, you had overactive acne, let's not forget about that!" She said laughing.

"Hey girl in the oversized hoodie, yeah you with the ovaries you're up next!" Kayden said.

"Kayden!" Kelli and I both said in humilation. I walked back to the room, and Kelli was my nurse. I guess they couldn't find anyone else.

"Take the hoodie off please, I have to check your blood pressure, and listen to your heartbeat," Kelli said.

"Can I lay down, I'm really tired?" I asked.

"Yes" Kelli said. As soon as I hit the end of the table, I looked up at Kelli and saw the bright light behind her. In an instant I was out.

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