Doctor's Visit

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"Hailey, Hailey, wake up, the doctor is coming soon." Kayden said.

"What day is it, what time is it?" I sat up panicking. I looked around. I was still in the room waiting to be seen.

"Not this again!" Kayden was annoyed.

"Kayden please, how long was I asleep for?" I asked

"About 10 minutes, the doctor is running late," he said.

There was a knock on the door, and a woman walked in. She looked sophisticated, and beautiful. Suddenly I felt under dressed. I started to put my hoodie back on.

"You can leave that off, I am going to need to check your collarbone soon," the doctor said.

"Hailey, why are you here today?" She said while checking my collarbone and arms. She lifted them up, not sure why, it was kinda weird.

"I'm not sure actually, my brother and sister think I need help," I said sarcastically

"Help with what?" She asked.

"What's your name doctor?"

"My name is Dr. Rachel Cornelli," she said with the sweetest smile.

"Dr. Cornelli I get really overwhelmed when the pressure is on me to act a certain way or be on my best behavior. I can't breathe unless everyone stops looking at me, the more they look at me, the more I feel attacked and that they hate me." I explained.

"Why don't you tell us these things....this makes me mad," Kayden said under his breath.

"I try, but you never listen!" I retaliated.

"Kayden will you please step outside and let us girls talk?" The doctor asked.

"She also pees her pants when she's under pressure..."

"Kayden!!!" I interrupted him because I was so embarrassed at what he said.

"Don't forget to tell her that Hailey," Kayden said as he left the room. Kelli was still in there with me, just listening.

"Do you wet your pants when you feel this pressure?" The doctor asked.

"Can you make Kelli leave too?" I asked politely.

I just didn't want my sister telling the story for me.

"Kelli, could you please," Dr. Cornelli said.

"Of course." Kelli looked at me with eyes that pierced and stabbed my soul. When Kelli left the room, I continued to tell the doctor my problems.

"Hailey, let me ask you some questions. I see that you're 12, so 6th grade I'm assuming." She looked at me, and I nodded yes.

"I have a 12 year old too," she smiled."Hailey, 12 can be a difficult time, a lot of changes are happpening...."

"Wait, this isn't a sex talk is it?" I interrupted her.

She laughed and said "No sweetheart, what I was trying to say is you are going through a lot of changes physically and emotionally and the pressure is very intense right now. Hailey, do you ever get anxious about things you can't control? For example, growing up and getting older."

"I don't fear growing up and maturing, I fear that I will have no one to help me with personal things in life," I admitted.

"Personal things?" Dr. Cornelli asked.

"Like changes that are happening to my body, I feel so awkward to talk and ask about certain stuff, do you catch my drift doctor?" I was hoping she would understand, and she did. She then proceeded to tell me that either Kayd or Kel would be the best people to ask because they are qualified nurses, and know all about my growing up dilemmas. Not to mention, they are family.

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