Serious Conversations

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After two hours of feeling sorry for myself and watching netflix on my phone, I still didn't know what to wear tonight, and nothing was clean. I sat and watched Khloe get ready. We were both in uncomfortable circumstances thanks to Hannah, but we decided to pretend it never happened.

"Stop staring at me you creep," Khloe said as she continued to stare at her abs in the mirror. I didn't know why I always looked at her, I wasn't weird or gross, I just didn't understand the whole being a girl thing.

My mind wandered......what if all of us get separated? What if one day I did decide to act like a girl, who would show me these things? As I lied down on my bed, I started daydreaming. I could hear my moms voice as she was always concerned with my art work. My mom was an artist, she painted, and she drew masterpieces. Her career was in psychology, but her passion was art. She had a way of bringing beauty and light to such dark things. I hoped that I never forgot the things my mom taught me. My day dreaming was soon interrupted by Kayden.

"Hey Hailey and Khloe, you have an hour till Ms. Devaul gets here, please wear something clean for once," Kayden told us. Devaul, it kinda sounded French for devil. I laughed at that. Only my laugh was interrupted by Kelli.

"Hey".... Kelli started saying as she barged into our room.

"Does anyone knock anymore??" Khloe interuppted.

"Relax, I'm always welcome!" Kelli said.

"Has anyone helped you bathe this week?" Kelli asked me as Khloe started to laugh.

"Why don't you ever ask Khloe those questions!" I said defensively.

"Hailey! You have two casts, a limp, a huge gash in your leg that could very well be infected at any time, and cuts and scrapes all down your body.....don't tell me not to worry. It's like I have to inspect you from head to toe just to make sure you're functioning. Besides, Khloe showers without being told," Kelli pointed out.

"Okay....sorry," I said with a slightly toned down attitude.

"I just hate showering with you there, it's weird," I admitted.

Kelli shot me a sympathetic look.
"If it makes you feel any better,p I give several baths to old people all the time," Kelli laughed.

"Ew!" I responded.

Kelli was a good sister. She took good care of our entire family, making sure our needs were met before hers. Because of the situation I was in, I couldn't use my hands for a lot of things, including showering. So I guess you could say we were forced to become closer.

Kelli sat on the toilet seat cover wrapping my casts, I just stared at her, trying to fight this shower.
"Stop moving!" She said. I kept squirming around, I knew it would piss her off.

"Seriously! What's your problem, you've done nothing but be a pain in the ass lately!"

I ignored the fact that she just asked what was wrong and then changed the subject. Like she didn't really care what I was going through.

"Just go easy on washing my leg, it hurts bad today," I said.

"I will, I promise I won't hurt you intentionally. Just don't cry anymore." She looked at me plainly as she took my shirt off. The pants were next. I felt nauseous, and then I started to cry. 

"Why are you crying again!?" I could tell Kelli was pissed off by the tone in her voice.

I was a sobbing mess.

"Okay fine, you tell me when you're ready, I'll be downstairs. Now you get Hannah as your personal hair washer," Kelli said.

Kelli walked away from me and went into our room. I dried my eyes and carefully took off my pants to get this over with as soon as possible. What I didn't know was that Kelli stayed to talk to Khloe.

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