Butt Cream...!

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Kelli and Kayden were in the Dr. Sal's office. She explained the accident, and the terrible news about my parents. They were trying to make sense of it all. "Who's gonna take care of Hannah, Khloe, and Hailey?" Kelli asked. "I'll give you the day to call relatives and let them know. I'll send a social worker over by the end of the week. Both of you take the week off to get things in order. If you need any help or anything at all, please call me. I'm so sorry for your loss," Dr. Sal said, sadly.

Kelli and Kayden started walking like they were ready to leave.

"Kayden, where are you going, we have to wait for Hailey!" Kelli barked.

"Look your not the boss of me!" Kayden snapped.

"Kayden, please, can we please just drive home as a family!" Kelli said in a low tone voice.

Kayden walked in another direction, he said he needed fresh air.

Kelli came back in my room, and I pretended she wasn't there. I pretended I wasn't there. I just wanted all of this to go away. Maybe my parents were waiting for me at home. Kayden came loudly in the room announcing he got some butt cream. What was wrong with his butt?

"What's with the butt cream?" Kelli asked.

"It's for her burns, one of the doctors recommended it. You need to rub it on her Kel," Kayden said, looking in my direction. I was a walking embarrassment. My arms were secured in one purple cast and one black cast. All I could move was my fingertips. The nurse told me I had to have help in the shower and someone had to wipe me every time I used the restroom. I cried for twenty minutes just thinking about how awkward, and uncomfortable that would be.

"Babe, we're all family, one of us with help you in the restroom," Kelli said softly.

"But I don't want you to. I'm so embarrassed. Nobody else I know needs help wiping their butt!" I bawled.

It was 11:30pm by the time we got home. All the lights were off. I asked Kelli where Hannah and Khloe were. She said Khloe was at a sleepover and Hannah was probably at a party.

I got out of the car and fell over. My legs were so wobbly. Kayden picked me up and carried me up to my bed. He said Kelli would be up in a second to help with whatever I needed.

"Here, I picked this up from the giftshop, he's got a purple and black bowtie, I thought you might think that's cool or cute or whatever you think" Kayden said as he handed me the coolest bear I'd ever seen.

"Thanks Kayd," I said.

"I love you kid, get some sleep" he said as he walked away. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

I could see the shadow of him crying in the hallway and trying to not make a big deal of our parents dying, but it was a big deal. One I didn't fully accept or understand.

Seconds later Kelli came in my room with a bottle of water, and some butt cream. "Butt cream!?" I gave her this horrible look. "Please don't touch my butt, it's bruised and sore" I begged.

"It's for your chest, it helps soothe the irritation around the burns. Take off your shirt and lie down," Kelli said. 

I was nervous. I felt weird enough taking off my shirt with an audience of just me, and now Kelli was in the room. I didn't do it. I just sat there, and pretended Kelli didn't ask me to do anything.

"Hailey, I'm only here to help you, not judge you, please can we just get this over with?" Kelli was running low on patience. I could also hear the sadness in her voice too.  "Babe, you're just going to have to get used to me helping you for the next 6 weeks. I'm a nurse, I've seen everything, it's not weird to me."

I fought her with my stubborness, and then I cried. Eventually I took off my shirt.

"Oh my god," Kelli was horrified. I guess I looked as bad as I felt. I just laid there in discomfort and awkwardness as my sister did her thing. I didn't make eye contact. I fell asleep to her rubbing butt cream on me. She laid with me the whole night, and it was nice to let go of what happened tonight, and just rest.

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