What I Came To Tell You

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I woke up and found myself laying on the dock that leads to a lake behind our house. I panicked, and got up. I lost my balance and fell in the water. I saw my dead parents floating next to me. My fathers eyes were glazed and open, he freaked me out as I was struggling to come to the surface. I finally came to the surface and pulled myself up. I saw Hannah in the distance.

"Hannah! Hannah! Mom and dad....help!" I screamed. She looked right at me, then looked away and went inside the house. I followed her to see why she wouldn't help me. Then it hit me, she had no clue I was there. I was invisible to her. I got close enough to read a text from one of her friends named Taylor it said

T: call me when you get a chance

H: I can't talk on the phone, what is it?

T: you don't want me to text this.

H: tell me NOW Taylor!

T: your parents and sister were just in a car accident, your sister was just taken to the hospital, my step brother was the EMT driving the ambulance, I'm sorry to tell you like this.

H: don't ever talk to me again....freak!

I looked at the time and date of the message and it said March 13th, 7:55. I was admitted to the ER at 7:03 pm on March 13th.....I was mad! She knew this entire time that I was in the hospital, that my parents were dead and she pretended to find out the next morning. Why wouldn't she want to come see me, why wouldn't she want to see any of us? Why didn't she come to see if the rumors were true!! And why are my dead parents floating at the bottom of a lake!?

Today is March 13th for the 4th time in my life, I still haven't figured out why I keep reliving this same day over and over again. If this was a dream, I didn't know how to wake up.

I watched as Hannah went to a party drunk as can be. She immediatly found a guy named Cameron and went upstairs with him. I didn't know if this was the part where I look away or watch to see what happens. My PG-13 dream was soon going to turn into R. Yup slowly he took her clothes off. I looked away and when he was done, he was done. He didnt comfort her. I watched as my sister laid there and sobbed. I wanted to help her and I also wanted to leave the room, but I couldn't. Cameron didnt even care how she was feeling. Isn't sex suppose to be something beautiful between two lovers? This was far from beautiful, this was tragic, and it made so much sense as to why she didn't come and see her family. She was hurting, and no one had ever been there for her except our parents. Hannah never confided in anyone except mom. I don't know why she didn't trust any of us. Okay I desperately wanted to wake up!

I left the party. As I was walking down the street back to my house, I saw this guy. The same one I had seen before. He held up my drawing of him.

"Hey, thats mine, what are you doing with it!" I said.

"Why are you drawing me? You like me or something?" he said.

"No, I don't even know you!" I said.

"My name is Cody, Cody Bradford, what's yours?" He asked.

"Hailey" I said.

"Hailey...hmm.....you know most horoscopes say that women named Hailey are good in bed" he said with a twisted perverted smile.

"What the heck does that mean!?" I said while taking back my drawing.

"Come on Hailey, you stalked me, drew a picture of me, and now I know you want me," He said lifting up his shirt exposing his tan abs. Everything about him was perfect. His cracked voice, his smile, his eyes, all of it, yet I wanted to punch him in the face!

"Sorry, too much. I'm actually a very respectful gentlemen. I have two sisters." He said.

"So just because you have sisters, it gives you the right to call yourself a gentleman?! What a jerk!" I said.

He stepped closer to me, grabbed my face, and tried to kiss me. I pulled away because I barely knew him, and I had no clue how to kiss.

"Some gentlemen! Don't ever do that again" I said.

"I'm gonna marry you someday Hailey, think of me when the time comes" He said as he was walking away.

"You can't just walk away!" I demanded he come back.

"Good, I was hoping you'd say you needed me, now hold me and tell me everything is going to be all right" he said.

"You sure do move fast for a 'gentleman'", I said motioning with my air quotes.

"So here's the deal Hailey, I saw your drawing and I thought it was your sisters so I asked her..."

"Wait, you've talked to my sister? Which one?" I interrupted him

"Hannah, I think is what her name is." He said.

"Yeah, she's one of them. How......when did you talk to her, how do you know her?" I was very curious at this point.

"She was dating my brother, Cameron...." he was saying. I tuned him out after that, that feeling of my stomach falling out of my butt was there again. Cameron, the guy I saw her having sex with at the party.

"I've got to go, bye Cody" I said.

"Wait!" he said.

"What!? I've got to go!" I snapped at him.

"I wanted to tell you thanks for drawing me. I didn't think anybody noticed me. I hope we get to hang out some more." He said.

"How old are you Cody?" I asked

"14, why?" He said.

"Because I have another sister and when she sees you, she's going to want to have you all to herself." I said.

"Khloe? I've met her too actually. She's friends with my sister Callie, they hang out all the time. I think she's over at my house having a sleepover, and why am I telling you this" he said.

"Are you into her, do you like her?" I asked up front.

"No! I mean she's hot but she's a blonde, I like brunettes" he said smiling at me.

"Wow! How is it that you know so much of my family and this is the first time meeting you? " I said sarcastically

"I dont know, bad timing I guess, hey I gotta go, see you around" he said suspisciously.

I waited 3 seconds, turned around and asked what I never thought I would ask a person.

"You're not real are you?" I asked honestly. He looked like me, holographic and what not.

"What?" He looked above my head with panic written all over his face....."Hailey, HAILEY LOOK OUT!!"


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