Chapter 1

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My life will never be the same, and how I wish for days to just stop before they get worse. It all began years and years ago when my world was barricaded by a picket fence; simple, small, white. That fence symbolized my innocence. Oh, how I knew so little. It showed how small my world was compared to yours. Outside of that fence was a whole other world, for me to discover, emotionally and physically. You were so close to me, and yet so far, for that fence was the only reason why we were apart. You would come and visit, but that wonderful fence kept you out, and me in. I call it wonderful because I know realize now how much of a mistake it was for me to leave that great fence for the outside world. You taught me how to unlock it. My innocence left me ignorant, and I trusted you. I will never forgive myself for being so ill-advised.


I wake up; it's dark, I don't know where I am anymore, I can't seem to remember anything, not my name, how I act, nothing. Apparently, be in bed, it's hard to see, but a dim light is flickering above me. Looking around, trying to find out where I am, I find a seat in the corner and a monitor next to me that looks to be reading a heartbeat, my heartbeat. A door that seems to lead to the bathroom was on the wall across from my bed. There was another door that looks to lead to a hallway. The walls are pure white with only a single window.

"Am I in a hospital?" I say out loud, hoping someone would hear me. A rush of feeling goes up and down my body. I feel like I'm not supposed to be here. Throwing off the white sheets from the bed that I was in, revealing nothing but a johnny gown, I swing my legs around to the side of the bed. I take the tube out of my arm and set them down. Hoping I have enough strength, I finally gain the courage to see if I can stand up. Slowly, I place one foot on the ground, then the other. With the cold, white tile underneath my feet, I was right about questioning my strength in my legs. I don't know how long I've been off of my feet. I slowly stood up, wobbling a little bit, but I soon found my balance. I walk over to see clothing on the chair. I pick them up and walked into the bathroom, wondering if they will fit. As I open up the door, the lights turn on, practically blinding me at first. My eyes finally adjusted and I could get dressed. As I get dressed, I look around the room and find a clock above the door but something was wrong, I couldn't see it. I had to squint really hard to just vaguely make out the big and little hand, 12:10 A.M. by the looks of it.

I realized that I must have glasses somewhere, so I start looking. With the light flooding out of the bathroom, I was able to see my way to a desk next to my bed where I find them. A pair of thick black glasses lies on the table next to my bed. After placing the cold plastic on my nose, I walk back to the bathroom to see if I was the right time. I was off by a couple of minutes, but not that bad. I look at my room from inside the bathroom, wondering many things. I see a clipboard at the end of my bed with all of my information. Turns out my full name is Felicia Bella Smith, I'm twenty-four, and I suffer from mild amnesia. I guess that why I can't remember any memories and only my knowledge of how to do things.

I look at myself for a while, delighted on how I see. Freckles scattered all across my nose and my cheeks. My hair seems to have lost its mind as well. Long curls, like springs, look to be fighting for more space on my head as if it has a mind of its own. I walk out to my room, turning the lights off behind me. I stand there in the dark, letting my eyes adjust for a bit. Turning to the window and open the shutters to see what it looks like outside, I find that a building next to this one is in the way. I face the metal door that leads out to the hallway. My heart beats faster, and my breath gets shorter as I reach for the handle, not knowing what's to come next.

I twist the metal orb very slowly to make sure that no one can hear me. The door creaks in the process, and I peep outside into the hallway to get a glimpse of where I need to go. Looking both ways, no one was there. The lights were dimmed in the hall too. It seemed like all of the rooms were empty. I open the door all the way and step outside into the dim hallway, leaving my room behind in the dark. I start to head towards the elevator that was at the end of the hall. I'm halfway there, and all of a sudden a door on the sides open up very slowly. I stop dead in my tracks hoping that some kind of apocalypse hadn't started while I was asleep. A boy that looks about my age pokes his head out the door to see if anyone was there too. By the looks of it, he seemed confused as well. He finally turned his head, and our eyes met through the darkness. His eyes grew large and fell back into the room all in one motion. I heard him hit something and heard a soft "Ow." I run over to him to see if he's ok. To not scare him I decided to knock on the slightly opened door.

"Are you alright?" I say trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Ya," he said pausing a little after.

"I just hit my head on the chair, you really scared me." The boy said as I peeked my head through the door to see where he is. He's on the ground, about to get up. He uses the chair that he hit his head on to help him get up. He finally gets up, and I turn on the light, hoping that he doesn't freak out as much as I did back in my bathroom. The lights flicker on, a little dimmer than I expected. I think the boy had gotten dressed as well because of the johnny gown in on the chair. His hair was dirty blond, and he wore a buttoned-up flannel with dark blue jeans with black Van shoes. The boy finally gets up and looks at me straight in the eyes.

"Fay?" The mystery boy said with shock.

"Hey... you..." I said not knowing who he was.

"It's me, Cole!"

"Oh, Cole! What are you doing here?" Still not knowing who he is.

"Haha, do you have amnesia or something like that?

"How did you know?!"

"Wow seriously? I'm sorry Fay, I'm guessing you know your name from the clipboard on your bed?"

"How do you know all of this? Can you read minds?"

"Haha no, I wish, first of all, I guessed that you have amnesia cause my name is actually Ross, and if you don't know me then the only place you'll find your name is on that clipboard, and you must have really hurt your head a while back."

"Wait, what happened to-" I'm cut off by the sound of someone asking if anyone's awake from the hallway. I jump and flee to his bathroom in hopes that I don't get caught. Not knowing what's going on, this was very frightening in my opinion. I put my ear up to the door so I can hear Ross talking to someone on the other side. It was hard to understand. I only listened to a few words, but I couldn't put them together to make sense. The door starts to open, I ran to the shower and hid behind the curtain. I'm shaking now, almost to the point where I can't stand, so I sit down just in case. I scootch over to the corner of the shower to calm myself a little, but it doesn't work. I hear the door open, and a couple of feet walking towards me. I brace myself for impact as I understand the curtains open up. I close my eyes, not knowing what's going to happen.

"Awe how cute. Are you ok, Fay?"

I open my eyes really slowly, I look up and see another boy. Tall, muscular boy and had layered hair and jeans with a black T-shirt. He reaches down and picks me up like I weigh nothing.

"She's fine," Ross says in a relaxed voice "She's just got a little amnesia from, the incident." I look up at the boy that doesn't know what personal spaces is, hoping that he'll let me down soon. His eyes were honey colored almost gold, I wish I had eyes like that. I thought to myself.

"Oh, I forgot," Ross announced, "Fay, this is Aiden, we've known you ever since you were little." Ross turns to Aiden, "You haven't seen Olivia, have you?"

"No I haven't seen her, maybe we could go look for her."

"Great! I'll go find her." Ross says while walking out the door.

"Aiden while I'm finding her," Ross walks up to Aiden and whispers in his ear, I couldn't hear what he said but after he walks out of the room. I oddly had not a care in the world of what he said. I just want to know what's going on, and where I am, also why is this guy is just staring at me.

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