Chapter 6

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Logan and I were in the kitchen making a snack for our guests. The aroma of fruits wafted all around the kitchen. Logan and I each grab two bowls of fresh fruit salads and walk with them to the dining room.

"I'm sorry," Olivia said starting to tear up. "I didn't think that he would react like that."

"It's ok," I said, placing a bowl in front of her.

"Logan was there to back me up, so I wasn't scared," I say with a confident smile as Logan walks from behind me to serve Aiden that was looking down into his lap, ashamed.

"Says the girl that was full on crying in my arms after I saved you," Logan said with a smirk. I gave him a nasty look. Logan places Aiden's bowl in front of him.

"Thank you." Aiden finally speaks.

"No problem. I love cooking even if it's just chopping up some fruit."

"No I mean thank you for saving us, I had no idea he still had rage in him."

"It's ok Aiden." Aiden looks up at Logan and smiles.

"What did you do to Ross anyway?" I ask.

"I sent him free, I'm not worried about him, he's no threat to me. Now dig in before the fruit goes bad." Logan sits down and starts to dig in. Silent, except for the soft sound of forks hitting the side of the ceramic bowl. I soon break the silence.

"So what did he mean when he said that I'm a monster?"

"Well, I guess I have to say it now. You have certain abilities just like mine." Logan says after swallowing his food. "But, since you have forgotten everything, you have the potential to be a serious threat your hometown." I guess I have a lot to learn. We finish, and Logan and I offer to take the dishes, but Aiden and Olivia insisted on cleaning. The time goes by fast, and we all soon grow tired of the very eventful day that we had. Olivia and Aiden leave to go to the guest rooms at the opposite end of the hallway. Logan yawns and stretches loudly.

"I think I might hit the hay, and you should too you've had a long day today." Logan yawns while heading to his room. I soon head back to my room as well. I look in my closet and find a frilly pink nightgown. Not my choice of color but it was comfy. And I hop in bed, take off my glasses and set them on the nightstand, and soon fall asleep.

I'm running and running. From what I don't know, I look behind me, nothing. I look at nothing. Everything is pitch black I feel like I'm running on air then suddenly a bright light seems to be at the end of the tunnel that I am apparently running through, and everything turns white. I walk out and find that I'm in a city, but no ones around. I look around and hear something in the distance. Crashing and breaking. I run towards the sounds. I turn a corner to a building and look up to see a creature with red and gold wings and claws that look like it's looking for something. No one was around except for a person at the end of the city block. The monster, climbing the buildings and breathing fire to set the tall structures on fire. The creature looked to have spotted the person and started to charge. Once it starts to attack the human, I can see Logan flying in with his black and silver wings that I've only seen once before. Logan begins to fight the beast and drags it away from the human that was lying on the ground. I run over to the human to only find out that it's Ross. Once I help him up, I look at Logan that has already been struck down the creature. The dragon then gets on all fours and charges straight for me, and once he reaches me, he pounces with his mouth open and sharp teeth showing. His dragon arm's reach out to claw me. Everything is now in slow motion, but I can't move. I can see his honeycomb eyes; his pupils are thin slits like a cat's when it's focusing on one thing and one thing only. Once he got so close to my face, I closed my eyes, still not able to move. I wake up.

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