Chapter 5

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The snow is drizzling down. I stand outside, getting ready to pulverize the enemy. As it flies out my hand and into the air with great elegance, the ammo aims for the target beyond the thrower. As it pushes through the air with high speed, it gains less distance than it was before. Until that moment when it strikes the target. The ammo exploded on impact. As the being of grace and tall stature falls to the ground, I jump for joy.

"Ha! Gotcha!" I yell out, running towards the target.

"What the hell was that for?" Logan says lying down in the snow.

"It's called a snowball, genius!" I cackle, helping Logan off the ground.

"A what?"

"You mean you have never heard of a snowball? Logan, I had amnesia, and even I still knew that."

"Well sorry for not being in the snow that often."

"Well, I could show you how to make one. It's effortless!" I bend down to grab a handful of fresh, white snow and mold it into a ball.

"Like this," I say handing him the white ammo.

"Now throw it!" He pulls his arm back and chucks it straight into my face. Only being a foot away from him, I fall back onto the densely layered snow.

"Oh! Sorry, Felicia!" I laugh at that trying to say that it's ok.

"It's fine, it's fine. That how you do it, but maybe not that close." I laugh, covering my mouth with my snow gloves. He laughed, helping me up. Once I'm up we just look at each other with a straight face, an evil smile appears on both of us.

"Snowball fight?" I say with a devilish grin.

"Snowball fight." He says in return. We soon run in opposite directions and start making snow forts as well as several snowballs for future ammo. Our poorly made snow forts were built by making a small hill of snow, and our snowballs are ready to attach. We scream at the same time.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" The sky goes on a slightly cloudy day to a snowball filled heaven. I can hear the compacted snow crashing all around me. I slowly raise my head above my fort only to get hit in the face with a powdered ball. The ball explodes, and I can see the snow fall around me.

"Ahh! You got me!" I scream playfully. Logan lifts his head above the fort to see if I'm ok. Once he's sure, I'm ok he pumps a fist in the air and shouts,

"YES!" As he's above his fort, I take this opportunity and pelt him with a large one. We both fall back but for different reasons. I fall again because I'm laughing too hard and can't stand up. Logan falls over because the ball was so compact when it made contact with his face it looked like a wrestler just close lined his head to the ground.

"God! You're really strong!" He shouts, struggling to sit up. He goes behind his great fort once more and a couple minutes pass of me still throwing snowballs at his fortress. Soon I can see a white shirt waving on a stick that Logan must have found underneath the snow.

"I surrender, to the beautiful, most honorable Felicia." He says, in an overly proper voice. He stands up with no shirt on, laughing while waving the stick back and forth. My eyes grow wide as I'm just standing there looking at his well-defined body.

"Aren't you cold!" I say in concern.

"I don't get cold easily, remember."

"But still you can catch a cold." We stop the war and meet up in the middle. I notice that he's shaking a little from the frosty weather. I walk up to him and attempt to keep him warm with a hug. Surprised at first but he soon returns the gesture.

"Haha, I thought you said that you don't get cold easily." Finally looking playfully frustrated. Before he can think of something to say, all of a sudden I'm pelted with an icy snowball in the back of my head. The force of the snowball pushed me into Logan's chest. I look up at him and apologize for the sudden push. "Ow! Sorry, Logan." I say rubbing the back of my head and turning around. A figure in the distance came closer and closer. Soon turning into 3 other characters from behind. A familiar voice calls out.

"Well, well, well, how are you this fine evening my good friends? You surely seem comfortable." The voice asks with a Cheshire cat smile.

"Ross?" I whisper to myself. Logan then stands in front of me with his arms crossed.

"What do you want?" Logan says, his voice is like venom.

"I just want the girl, I don't mean to cause any unnecessary harm." The trio is a couple of feet away from us. I see Aiden and Olivia in the background. They look concerned about something, but what?

"Why do you want her?". I hold onto Logan's arm and see Ross standing there with the other two.

"Oh please, I just want to take her back," Ross says with his arms crossed.

"Over my dead body." Ross's face turns from a sarcastic smile to a straight face.

"And please explain to me the reason why you won't let me take her home?" Logan looks down at me and sighs with his eyes closed.

"She's not ready, she has amnesia for crying out loud!"

"So I'm guessing she doesn't know?" Logan stays silent. Ross starts walking towards us with his arms folded in front. He bends over gets uncomfortably close to my face. "Sweety, you are a killer monster that everyone fears." He then stands up straight looking up at Logan a little. "There wasn't that easy. Now that she knows, can I take her back." I can see Logan show his teeth.

"And I'm guessing you don't know how amnesia works." All I heard was a smack. Next thing I know, Ross has a red mark of Logan's hand place neatly on his cheek. "I did my research, and it says that you can't just drop everything on her at once, she won't understand you ignorant swine. And I promised that I would protect her. You would have to kill me before you can take her."

"That can be arranged, but I'm not looking for a fight, she doesn't belong to you."

"She doesn't belong to anyone!"

"Fine, fine, I can see your point. Then let's let her decide."

"She can decide because she doesn't know who to trust!"

"If you don't come with me, I'll kill Aiden and Olivia." He says loud and proud, arms crossed and sarcastically smiling.

"Wait for what?" Olivia and Aiden say in unison. I stop dead in my tracks and look back at them. With a gun to their heads held by Ross. My mouth almost dropping to the ground, I look at Logan with a panic, starting to hyperventilate. I feel like I'm going to faint.

"Don't panic," He shushes me "Everything is going to be ok, they're going to be ok, just stand still." I try hard not to panic as a soft whisper is lingering in my head like at the hospital.

"It's me, Logan, don't worry. Start strolling to Ross. It's ok, trust me." Like the whisper recommended, I saunter towards Ross.

"Yes! Yes! Come to me my sweet darling, we are your friends, I am your friend." He puts the gun away and opens his arms for a hug for when I get there. As I approach closer, I feel like Logan betrayed me more and more for nothing was happening I start to imagine my future of what it's going to be like with Ross, and it was horrible. I begin to cry, and I can see Ross's smile grows more comprehensive and broader from each tear that dropped off of my face and onto the icy snow. Suddenly something hits the back of his head and snow explodes from the impacted, and he falls down face first. Once he is on the ground, I see Logan standing. I am suddenly hugged by someone from behind only to find out that it's Logan. I then remembered about his duplicating abilities. I turn around and embrace him with subtle tears running down my face. He kept his promise. I was alright.

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