Chapter 7

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 I can hear Ross cursing at me from the balcony. I look up to see that he went inside to come down and get me. I start to run and attempting to flap my wings to get me off of the ground. I reach a garden maze across from the front yard. My wings take flight, and I'm in the air. I look back to see Ross in the front yard, aiming his tranquilizer at me. I start to wonder where Logan and the others are. Thoughts of Ross killing Logan in cold blood boiled mine. As the theory wiped my head, I became mad. Insanity started to take control, but I didn't care. I stop in the air, and like a bullet, I shoot back at Ross, dodging every dart like it was nothing. I don't know how I avoided everyone, I just felt like I knew where each dart would be. Once I reach Ross, I tackle him to the ground and pin him down so he can't move.

"Where is Logan!" I screamed, my teeth felt heavier. "Tell me!" I get close and personal with Ross's face.

"Oh like I would tell you!" He then spits in my face with a smirk.

"Big mistake," I said, now furious. I find a couple of metal rods nearby and pin him to the wall while I think of a way to see him. Think...think! If Logan can communicate with me through thoughts, then I can do it to him! All I had to do was concentrate. I shouted Logan's name over and over. Oh, Logan please answer!

"Oh, where are you!" I say aloud, holding my head in my hands while looking at the ground. I feel so lost without you I can feel a tear starting to form in my eyes. I fall on my knees.

"Oh please," Ross says in a sarcastic voice. "They're not dead." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't mess with me, Where. Is. Logan." I hiss, running up to him and putting my hands around his throat, starting to squeeze a little harder every second. He starts to choke. I look at him straight in the eyes. His eyes grow significant, as well as a smile that was forming on his face, then through what voice he had left he whispered.

"You are a monster." I squeeze ten times as hard just hearing that. Then I hear a crack in my hands. I realize, my insanity is starting to take complete control of me, but it was too late. I understand my actions and let go. I back away from Ross. I look down at my hands. From the flash in my eyes from earlier, claws had grown on my hands, with a little dark red liquid drop running down my sides. I looked at Ross. His eyes were closed I didn't know what to do. I knew, if Logan found out about this he would think I'm a disgusting, ugly, monster? I didn't know what to do. I was a murderer, and I don't know what to do next. Tears are flowing in my eyes I think of what to do with the body, so I pull the metal rods out of his long sleeve shirt and quickly drag it to the maze. I think the best place to bury the body was in the very center. I flap my wings and carry the corpse over to where it looked like the center. I lower myself slowly and set the body beside the area where I would start to dig. My claws that were still visible were suitable for drilling. Snow was beginning to fall from the fluffy white clouds from above. Once I finish digging through the inch of snow and dirt, I place the body on the ground and cover it with the mud and snow, so it looks like nothing happened.

I fly over the hedges formed a maze and go back to the castle. Once I'm in the courtyard, I plop down on the cold cobblestone, thinking about what just happened. Then I remember.

"Logan!" I shout out loud. I hop up and like a bullet I fly into the castle with a high speed.

"Felicia?" A lovely voice rings from behind me. I turn around facing the entrance to the hallway.

"Logan!!!" I shot towards him and hug him so tight I never wanted to let go. As I embrace Logan with a hug, my wings open and my claws are starting to dig into his back.

"Ah!" Logan yells out, feeling my claws. Logan struggled and tried to escape my grasp. Once I realized him squirming out of my arms, I let go. Logan jumps back.

"Logan! I'm so happy I found you!" I say with a smile. Logan looks at me with a confused face.

"Felicia, What triggered this?"

"Well ya, I don't know how to get rid of the claws or wings yet."

"Well, I'm happy you learned how to transform completely." Completely? I start to worry, and with one wing flap, I shoot out of the room and into my bedroom. I run towards the bathroom, but I trip over the sheets that I had not picked up from earlier. Eager to get to the mirror I struggle to get up, but the sheets keep tripping me. I look at the layers of anger, and a heated sensation starts to flow up my throat and out of my mouth. substantial red flames shoot out of my mouth and onto the silk sheets. The sheet, still wrapped around my leg, is on fire but as the flame travels up the sheet and onto my leg, it doesn't hurt, as if this is normal. Once the sheet is nothing but ash within a couple of seconds, I cover my mouth and head to the bathroom. I almost fall over from shock. Where do I even start? I looked like a monster. I had a red scale that shines gold in the bathroom light all over me. A long tail, with golden spikes running from the back of my neck to the tip of my tail. My stomach was still skin as well as my face and only my limbs and the center line down my back, as well as my rear, scaled. My eyes were emerald green with a thin slit of a pupil down the center, just like a cat eye. My teeth were almost an inch and a half long, sharp to a point. My arms and legs were muscular. The wings were bright red and gold, matching the theme of my body color. The skin in between my ring fingers are a fading color of red, and the forearm of my wings was bright gold. I stood there looking at every part of my body. As I kept staring at myself in the mirror, I realized, I looked just like the monster from my dream.

My wings are flapping everywhere to make sure I don't fall over. I felt like I was going to throw up. My throat was dry. I needed water. Feeling dizzy, I stumble my way out of my bathroom, hitting every wall on the way out. I see Logan standing in my doorway, looking amazed. I realized that I looked like this in front of him. He thinks I'm a monster. I have to be a monster. I killed someone! I can't stand all of this pressure. I feel dehydrated. I stand there, my eyes roll back, and I soon have no feeling in my body. As my body falls, I can get a glimpse of Logan rushing towards me, and shout my name.

"Felicia!" Everything goes black. I really am a monster. 

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