Chapter 7

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You sat down as Professor Ozpin called up everyone that would make up a team. You saw as Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora were made team JNPR. Jaune being the leader of the team.

"Congrats you two." You told your sister and Ren when they walked up to you. Nora hugged you while jumping up and down and you laughed along. However, Ren seemed to be contemplating something.

"You didn't get a partner. How will you form a team?" He asked you seriously.

"I don't know." You shrugged before looking back toward the stage. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang became team RWBY. Ruby ended up being the leader but you noticed that Weiss seemed against the idea.

"Yes! This is gonna be the best year ever!" Yang cheered as she walked down the stage. You stood up to congratulate them. However, Yang ran up and hugged you.

"What's this for?" You asked as you hugged her back. She seemed to notice what she was doing and pulled back slightly.

"Sorry. Got excited there." She laughed and you joined her.

"Y/N Valkyrie." You heard Professor Ozpin call. You looked at the stage and walked up. You pulled out the five relics you had stolen from the different teams and handed them to Ozpin.

"Hope I chose wisely." You told the Professor as you put your hands in your pocket. All he does was nod before inspecting the pieces you had brought him.

"I was monitoring closely. I trust your judgement." He told you. You nod and your hand balls up into a fist in nervousness.

"Sadly I didn't find a partner." You spoke after what felt like hours but could only have been a minute at most.

"You do need one to pass." He mentioned but didn't seem to be talking to you. He then looked over at Pyrrha. "Ms. Nikos. If you wouldn't mind stepping up."

"Of course." She said and walked up to the stage. She gives you a small smile and you return it.

"I noticed that you and Mr. Valkyrie had a conversation before you met your partner Mr. Arc." Ozpin spoke as Pyrrha took her place beside you.

"We did. However we never made eye contact." She informed the professor.

"Yes. But Mr. Valkyrie is a special case. If you wish he could also be your partner." Your eyes widen and so do Pyrrha's.

"Y-yes of course!" Pyrrha manages to stutter out. Ozpin nods and looks over at you.

"I will do it." You agreed.

"Well then. Mr. Valkyrie will join team JNPR until further notice." Ozpin announced. "Congratulations." The professor then walks off.

You were tackled by your sister in a hug.

"We're gonna be in a team together!" Nora laughed. You laughed along with her and were congratulated by the rest of your team and tem RWBY.

-------------Time Skip brought to you by Nora jumping around the new room with everyone trying to catch her-------

You make up in the morning and sit up from the floor. There were only four beds and although your teammates, with the exception of Pyrrha, were willing to share; you decided to sleep on the floor.

You stretch and get up and walk toward the bathroom. After a quick shower you change into your uniform and check if everyone else was awake. Nora and Jaune were still passed out, Ren walked passed you and into the bathroom, and Pyrrha seemed to be just waking up.

"Pancakes!" You yell and Nora immediately shot up and out of the bed. "After you are ready for classes." You add.

"Aww!" Nora whines as she goes to get her uniform. Jaune didn't wake up, and not knowing how you decided to drop the responsibility on some else.

"Pyrrha wake up your boyfriend!" You shouted she looked at you with wide eyes and opened her mouth to respond but you didn't give her the chance. "Gotta go! Hate to leave you! Catch up later! Bye!" You shouted quickly before leaving the room.

"Banzai!" You heard from team RWBY's room. Then what sounded like them decorating. You looked at your scroll and saw that it was just past 8 a.m. and classes started in an hour. You then though that you should have also unpacked your things.

Then you remembered that there would probably be an angry Pyrrha and Ren in the room. Pyrrha because you teased her and Ren because you left a hungry Nora with him without warning. And it's far worse when you take into account that said hungry Nora was also promised pancakes.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled from the room.

"Yup. Time to head to class." You told yourself before sprinting down the hall. You made it to what you hoped was Professor Port's room.

"Welcome! I am Professor Port!" A man said as you walked in. That settles that. You sat down at the front of the class hoping to see some action in the class.

You mess around with your scroll until kids start to fill in the seats. No one went into the front row to sit with you which you thought was odd. You noticed that the class was about to start and that's when team RWBY and JNPR ran into the room.

"You're late." You smirked as Yang sat by you. She just put her head on the table while still breathing heavily from the run. You pat her back before focusing on the class.

--------------Chapter End---------------

I'm back! I know that these breaks came one after another but there is a reason. Finals. My final exams were going on and now they are pretty much over. So I'll be writing a bit more, yay! Hope you enjoyed!

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