Chapter 10

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You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time. Jaune was gone for almost another whole day.

"How come Jaune gets home so late?" Nora says, speaking your thoughts out loud. She jumped up and down on her bed.

"He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin." Ren answered as he polished his weapon. Which brings you to your second thought, that Cardin was probably blackmailing Jaune. You wanted to speak to Ozpin about it but you hit a roadblock.

"That's weird. Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow?" Nora says before doing a final jump and doing a flip as she added. "We need our rest!"

"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." Pyrrha said quite aggressively. You look over and sigh yet again as you look at who was your roadblock. You had told Pyrrha that you wanted to inform Ozpin on the possible blackmailing but Pyrrha had told you not to. Apparently, your suspicion were right; Jaune did fake his way into Beacon and there was a chance Ozpin would figure that out if you informed him.

"Hmm... I guess you're right." Nora agrees. You could feel that everyone in the room was tense. You decided to cheer them up.

"Nora." You call to which your sister looks over. "What did I tell you about jumping on beds?"

"Uhhh... To not?" Nora answered nervously.

"You know the punishment." You sigh as you get up and walk over to Ren. Nora's face becomes pale. "No pancakes tomorrow."

"Noooooooo!" Nora cries out dramatically which makes you burst out laughing. "You fiend!" That gets Pyrrha to join in and Ren to chuckle.

-----------Time Skip brought to you by Y/N stopping Nora from stealing his pancakes-----------

You stood in the Forest of Forever Fall next to your sister who was pouting with her arms crossed. She was still mad about the pancake incident.

"Look, if it makes you feel better I'll get Ren to make you pancakes when we get back." You sigh before she looks at for a second before giving a huff. But you notice a small nod she gives you. You smile and ruffle her hair making her also smile as she lightly fixes it.

"You will have to fill these jars with sap from the trees for Professor Peach." Professor Goodwitch told all of you. Which reminds you, you hardly ever see Professor Peach. How exactly did she look again?

"You coming Y/N?" You hear Yang call out as you noticed you were dismissed to collect the sap.

"Right behind you, Sunshine!" You shout back as you jog over. You found a good area with plenty of trees for everyone. Jaune had went off with Cardin instead of joining you. You sit at the same tree as Yang to help her not get any in her hair.

"You should try putting your hair into a ponytail. It might look good on you, Sunshine." You state as you start to collect the sap into the jar.

"You think so?" She asks as she brushes her her slightly with her fingers. You give her a smile and a wink before handing her the jar that was now filled. You look around as you fill the second one to see Ren hand a sap jar to Nora before it was quickly emptied. You chuckle at the sight.

"Hmm?" You asked to yourself as you thought you had heard some whispering. You glance up at a cliff near you to see Jaune and team CRDL. They seemed to be pointing in your direction while motioning to a jar of sap.

"Those idiots are trying to throw sap at me aren't they." You mumble.

"What was that?" Yang asks but you just shake your head.

"Just me being my dorky self." You joke causing her to laugh as you both get up to help the other with their sap. Or more like help Ren make sure Nora doesn't keep drinking the sap.

---------Chapter End---------

Sorry that took a while to update. Just got back to writing and decided to update my more popular story a bit before getting back to this one. I hope you'll enjoy!

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