Chapter 12

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"I'm bored." You say as you lie on Ren's bed.

"Me too!" Nora yelled into her pillow.

"How about you two go and look at what the upcoming Vital Festival has to offer?" Ren asks as he, once again, tries to focus on his studies.

"Team RWBY is already going through town for that... And Weiss makes it boring." You mumble into Ren's pillow. "I also can't participate in the tournament, so there is no point."

"Which sucks!" Nora yelled from her bed, "I wanted to show everyone our sibling combos! They have such cool names!"

"Don't worry Nora." You heard Jaune say from his desk. "I've already been thinking about different names for team combos. They'll be even better than any sibling combo!"

"I doubt it." You mumble. Jaune glared over at you.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" He shouted.

"I read the ideas you wrote in your notebook during class." You explain, "Flower Power is not better than Lightning Control."

"What's Flower Power?" Ren asked. Pyrrha sighed as she too put her studying on hold.

"Isn't it obvious?" Jaune asked, "Its you and Nora."

"Why is that me and Nora?" Ren questioned.

"You bring the flower and Nora brings the power." Jaune answered as if it were obvious.

"Why would I bring a flower?" Ren said even more confused.

"That does sound quite confusing." Pyrrha admitted.

"Oooo! Do you mean flour? Like for pancakes!?" Nora asked getting excited.

"Why would I bring that?" Ren pointed out.

"See Jaune? That name is way too confusing." You say as you get up.

"I have to agree with Y/N on this one." Pyrrha added.

"Lightning Control isn't any better." Jaune argues, "Its still confusing."

"Really?" You question, "I literally make lightning appear and Nora takes it in and has complete control in making it empower her muscles."

"Ugh... Fine, I'll think of something else." Jaune whined.

"Its for the best." You say with a smile. There was then a rather long silence in which Ren and Pyrrha began to study again. Ren turned the page of his book.

"I'm bored!" You and Nora shout.

"Not again..." Ren sighed.

-----------Timeskip brought to you by Ren and Pyrrha trying to ignore you and Nora as an arm wrestling match ensues-----------

You sit on the ground with the rest of your team, a boardgame lays in front of you. Ren and Pyrrha had finally finished studying and it was decided that it would be boardgame night.

"Muhahahaha!" You laughed as you moved your piece around the board. "I am just one turn away from ending this game!"

"I think you might be getting too serious Y/N." Jaune said as he tried to call you down.

"You're just jealous you can't win!" You shouted with another laugh. Suddenly you heard arguing from outside.

"Team RWBY must be back..." Ren muttered, "I wonder if something went wrong."

"We should probably check." You mentioned, "But first... You shall never defeat me!"

"I wouldn't be so sure Y/N!" Pyrrha shouted.

"Pyrrha?! I thought I left you for dead back in the Cave of Shadows along with Nora!" You yelled in shock.

"I managed to make a miraculous roll and I plan to do it again!" Pyrrha cried in triumph. You look at the board and notice she could win as well.

"That roll would be impossible!" You scoffed.

"I believe in the heart of the dice!" Pyrrha shouted as she threw the dice. You noticed they were not going to land correctly and were about to laugh. However, there was a loud "bang" from outside as a door was slammed. It was enough to shake the board slightly and have the dice show a perfect twelve.

"Nooooooooooo!" You cried.

"Blake come back!" You heard Ruby yell and your team quickly went to the door.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Ren asked as you opened the door.

"I don't know. Blake just ran off after saying something about being in the White Fang." Ruby informed you.

"Blake is a Faunus?" Jaune asked.

"I knew she was a cat..." Nora whispered before you hit the back of her head with a pointed look. "I mean! I'm sorry to hear that Blake ran off."

"We'll help look for her if you want our help." Pyrrha offered, "But we should all go to bed first. Blake could be off campus already, it will be easier to search in the morning."

"But!" Ruby and Yang tried to argue. However, you quickly put an arm around Yang and ruffled Ruby's hair.

"No arguing. For all we know, she could be back in the morning to explain this entire thing." You say trying to cheer them up. And reluctantly, they agreed and went back inside their room. However, Weiss stayed outside seemingly glaring at the hallway Blake had run off from.

"We should just call the police..." She muttered to herself.

"That won't help anyone, Ice Queen." You say with a sigh, "None of the questions we have will be answered and the police will give up after 24 hours."

"You don't know that!" Weiss yelled as she gave you a glare. You stood unaffected as you shook your head.

"That's just how Faunus are treated by most people. They won't even try searching." You tell her, "So just head into your room and sleep off whatever has you in a bad mood. And don't even mention calling the police again."

"How dare you!" Weiss shouted before quickly entering her room.

"I thought she had quit being so Weiss-y." You mention as you and your team go back into the room.

"That argument must have been quite serious to get that reaction." Ren added.

"We just have to hope that Blake does come back in the morning." Pyrrha sighed as she lie on her bed.

"Even though I was the one who said it, I doubt it will be that easy." You admitted. "But we better get our rest."


"You're still mad about the loss aren't you?" Pyrrha asked.

"Very." You mutter as you glare at her.

--------------Chapter End-----------------

Got some good ideas for this chapter. Hopefully you all liked it. I'll try to update another story soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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