Chapter 8

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You regret sitting in the front. The class was an absolute bore and you don't even learn anything. It was just Professor Port talking about his childhood like he was the best Huntsman to ever live.

"Our world is littered with these creatures." Port said as he spoke about the Grimm. "But that's where we come in, Huntsmen... Huntresses."

At the word 'Huntresses', he winked at Yang causing her to give an uncomfortable chuckle and an eyeroll. A second later a pencil flew passed Professor Port's head causing him to flinch slightly.

"Sorry about that." Everyone looks over and sees you getting up from your seat. "My pencil slipped out of my hands." You told him as you walk over and pull the pencil out of the wall.

"It's... No problem at all!" Port spoke before recollecting his jolly attitude. You smirk and wink at Yang as you walk back to your seat. She gives a small giggle and rolls her eyes with a smile on her face.

The rest of class was uneventful to say the least. That is until Professor Port began to say the qualities of a good Huntsman and Huntress. Weiss seemed to raise her hand quite quickly and shouted that she had all those qualities.

"Let's test that." Port said as he pulled out a cage. "Please go ahead and change into your gear." He told Weiss.

"This'll be interesting." You said as you sit up in your seat. Weiss comes back into the room. "Let's see how you fight, Ice Queen."

However, nothing happened other than Weiss getting angry with Ruby. You understood that she would want to concentrate on battle but only yelling at Ruby was a bit rude.

"Sunshine!" You called out as you found Yang after classes.

"Oh good. We need to talk." Yang spoke and just like that you found yourself in her dorm.

"Alright... What's on your mind?" You asked sitting next to Yang on what you thought was her bed.

"I'm just... Worried about Ruby and Weiss." She told you. "Weiss seemed extra... Weiss-y today and she took it all out on Ruby." You nodded and hummed in response.

"I'm sure it'll work itself out. After all, they're teammates and that's what will matter at the end." You say. "Now with that cleared up, let's get something to eat." You go down from the bed.

"Huh?" Yang managed to get out. You looked up and signaled her to follow.

"If I have to be honest, this worrywart attitude is not really suiting you Sunshine." You tell her. "And I know what always cheers me up. Now let's get some grub." Yang then laughs which makes you smile.

"There you go. That's the Sunshine I know." You smile at her.

"Thanks for talking with me, Y/N." Yang says and you nod. "Now a second question. The cafeteria is closed for the day, how will we get any food?"

"What? Never raided a school kitchen before?" You smirk before walking out the door.

"I like the way you think." Yang laughs and runs out the door to join you.

-----------Time Skip brought to you by you and Yang running through the halls with arm fulls of snacks-----------

The rest on the day you and Yang hung out in her dorm while playing fighting games and eating snacks. After a while of playing, Ruby walked into the room and began studying.

"Hey sis! Wanna join?" Yang asked Ruby but she shook her head.

"I got to study, I'm two years behind after all." Ruby said not looking up from the book. You looked over at Yang who seemed just as surprised as you were.

"Whatever you say sis." Yang says after a moment of silence.

"Yup, tell us if you need any help Rubes." You say. Then Ruby snaps her head in your direction.

"Y/N!?" She yells in surprise. You then burst into laughter with Yang following not long after.

"Did you not see me?" You ask between breaths. Ruby shakes her head before her eyes widen even more which surprised you.

"Wait! Were you guys on a date!? Did I just ruin it!?" Ruby began to ramble on how sorry she was before you stopped her.

"Calm down. This wasn't a date, we were just hanging out." You tell her which gets her to stop rambling. "Anyway I would take Sunshine somewhere nice for a first date." You add which gets Ruby to smirk.

"You hear that Yang? Y/N would take you out on a date." Ruby teases which gets both you and Yang to blush. And a dog pillow finds its way back to Ruby's face.

"Well I better be heading out. Ren's probably having trouble calming Nora down." You sigh before getting up.

"We should do this again sometime." Yang says with a smile and you smile back.

"Ya, and you could go somewhere nice next time." Ruby adds which gets Yang to shoot her a glare.

"I'm down with that." You agree which get them both to stare at you in shock. "I'll see you later Sunshine." you chuckle before heading out the door.

Then in the hallway you give yourself a hard slap. "Great thinking Y/N. That probably scared her off." You mumble to yourself and head to your dorm.

Back with the girls, Yang was still staring at the door in shock. Ruby giggled.

"Your welcome. I just secured you a date with your crush." Ruby told Yang. All Yang could do was smile and nod.

------------Chapter End-------------

Hope I didn't make all of you wait too long for a new chapter! I'm starting to build the relationship, if you didn't see that already... But please tell me in the comments things you would like to see!

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