Chapter 9

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You sat and watched Jaune get destroyed in a sparring match. Not that you didn't learn a few things, such as that Jaune probably lied his way into Beacon and that this Cardin character was lucky you didn't run into him in the Emerald Forest.

"That could have gone better." Yang deadpanned as you all stood up after Professor Goodwitch dismissed the class.

"Yup." You say looking at Jaune before turning back to Yang. "We still eating lunch together?" You asked changing the subject. You were surprised that after your large step into asking Yang out on a date, she still hung out with you. Probably even more than before. But you were still trying to build the courage to set a specific day for it.

"Well... I don't know." Yang teased with a smirk on her face as she turned around to face you as you walked through the halls. You laughed and rolled your eyes.

"I'm looking for a yes or no answer, Sunshine." You told her. Yang pouted jokingly. "Ruby? When you'd get here." You joked.

"Don't you dare mess with my hair." Yang said in a joking tone but you could hear the seriousness of it. You put your hands up in surrender. Yang laughed and lightly punched you on the arm.

"I've been injured! I can't feel my arm!" You yelled out grabbing your arm in mock pain. Yang laughed.

"You're such a dork." She sighed. You were about to laugh too when you felt something soft against your cheek. It took you a moment to realize that Yang had kissed you on the cheek. You gave her a smile that was probably goofier than intended. Yang laughed as you made your way into the cafeteria.

"There we were in the middle of the night." Nora dramatically began.

"It was day." You and Ren corrected.

"We were surrounded by Ursai."

"They were beowolves." You both corrected again.

"Dozens of them!" Nora shouted.

"Two of them." Ren sighed as you ate some of your food.

"Me and Ren took them down and made a buttload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs." Nora finished.

"She's been having this reoccurring dream for for nearly a month now..." Ren informed.

"And I still haven't figured out why I'm not in it." You added as you looked down at your tray. You were eating your food trying to figure out if the kiss was friendly or a sign you should ask for the date soon.

"Right Y/N?" You heard Nora say zoning you into the conversation at hand.

"What were we talking about?" You asked.

"Bullying." Ren replied.

"You mean Jaune and Cardin?" You asked knowing well what was happening.

"See?! Even Y/N sees it!" Nora shouted to Jaune.

"Guys, really it's fine. Besides, he's a jerk to everyone." Jaune reminded. You rolled your eyes, Cardin was definitely lucky you didn't run into him.

"C'mon. All we'll do is break his legs. That would teach him at least something..." You say stabbing another piece of your food. But your loose grip on the fork turned tighter as you heard a new voice.

"Owww, that hurts!" You look over to see that Cardin was pulling on the ear of a rabbit faunus. You put your middle finger against your thumb ready to snap when you felt someone grab your wrist.

"It isn't worth expulsion." Ren told you. You look over to see the faunus girl walk past you. You sigh and put your fork down.

"I can't stand people like him." Pyrrha said yo which everyone agreed.

"He's not the only one." Blake added.

---------Time Skip brought to you by Jaune getting pushed by Cardin----------

You sat in class bored. Jaune was sleeping and Cardin was seated just behind him. You knew something was going to happen but you couldn't help feeling bored. You usually talked to Yang during classes via whispers or notes but this is one of the few classes she wasn't there.

"And can anyone tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?" Professor Oobleck asked.

At that moment you noticed some movement into the corner of you eye. Cardin had a folded piece of paper between his fingers and was just about to flick it at Jaune. However, just as it was about to meet Jaune's head, you caught it between your middle and index fingers. And in one fluid movement it was sent right back to Cardin's forehead.

"Why you little-!" He began before Professor Oobleck sped in.

"Ah! Cardin! Finally contributing to class!" The Professor shouted as Cardin quickly tried to play it off by placing his feet on the desk and leaning back on his chair.

"Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier." He said before a pencil whizzed past his head. Everyone turned to the one who threw it, you.

"Sorry! My hand just keeps slipping these days!" You say but no one missed the sarcasm in your voice.

"Mr. Valkyrie. Perhaps you have something to add." Oobleck said with a dangerous undertone in his voice.

"Of course. The Faunus had night vision as an advantage. General Lagune made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus at night." You answered. And with that the Professor continued class until the bell rang.

"Cardin! Y/N! I will like to have a word with you." The Professor ordered. You stayed seated and waved Jaune off to go with the others. "You will both be assigned extra readings for the mishap today." He then gave you a piece of paper with said readings.

"Be sure to hand in the notes you write down." However as he speaks you grab some papers from your bag.

"Here you go." You say as you hold them out to Professor Oobleck.

"And these are?" He asks as he takes them.

"The readings. I read ahead a lot." You say before walking out of the classroom. In the hall stood Yang with her arms crossed.

"What was that about?" She asked you as you began to walk to the dorms together.

"Just another one of my pencil slip ups." You tell her with a smirk on your face.

"Another one?! I swear you aren't going to get away with one of these." Yang says with a small giggle.

"Well this was the one. Got assigned extra readings." You tell her with a laugh. "Still up for a game night?" You say changing the subject.

"What about those extra readings?" Yang asked as she opened the door to her dorm.

"Already turned them in." You say casually as you sit down on the floor. "C'mon Sunshine! I'll beat you for sure this time!"

"How did you...?" Yang began to ask. You look down at the floor for a couple a seconds seemingly lost in thought.

"Old habits die hard I guess." You sigh. "I'll tell you what I mean later. Now let's do this!" You shout before Yang could question you further.

--------------Chapter End---------------

That took a while didn't it? Just enjoying the summer so I ask all of thee for forgiveness. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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