Chapter 11

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You were all about finished collecting the sap when you heard a roar echo through the forest.

"What was that?" Ruby asked as everyone got up and looked around. Then you saw part of Cardin's team run towards you. One member ran straight into Yang and bounced back. You couldn't help but mentally chuckle at that.

"What happend?" Yang asked.

"There's a big Ursa! Its got Cardin!" He yelled before running off again.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha gasped in worry. Ruby ordered Blake and Yang to get Professor Goodwitch while Pyrrha sent Ren and Nora with them.

"Stay safe Sunshine." You say as you run off to save Jaune.

"You too." You managed to hear as you ran causing you to smile. You arrived to see that Jaune was fighting the Ursa. Pyrrha stopped anyone from helping so that Jaune could do it on his own. Of course she still helped him with her semblance.

"My semblance is Polarity." Pyrrha explained to Ruby.

"You control poles?" Ruby asked causing you to let out a little laugh before covering your mouth to stop from being discovered.

"No! It means she has control over magnetism, you dunce." Weiss whispered.

"Magnets are cool too..." Ruby added to which you ruffled her hair.

"Yup. And it sure is strong. The way she uses it in battle, you can't even notice it." You say with a quiet laugh.

"Now we better get back." Pyrrha says as she stands up.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asks, "We should tell them what happened."

"Or..." Pyrrha begins as she looks over at Jaune who seems kind of proud of himself. "We could keep it our little secret." She says as everyone starts to walk off.

"We are breaking Cardin's legs if he does anything to Jaune again, right?" You say as you walk with the girls.

"Yup." Said the trio at the same time. You then see everyone explaining what was happening to Professor Goodwitch as they walked toward you.

"There they are!" Yang yelled as she ran over to the four of you.

"Yang! Don't worry, everything is under control." Ruby informed as the group joined you.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Yang spoke as she smothered Ruby in a hug. You chuckle as you hear a muffled "please stop" from Ruby.

"What happened to the Grimm?" Professor Goodwitch questioned.

"You should have seen it!" You say as you put on your best smile. "Jaune killed that Ursa with no problem."

"Mr. Arc?" Goodwitch asked as if to confirm she heard it right. You nod as Jaune finally shows up and begins to get questioned by everyone. You laugh and punch Jaune's shoulder lightly as he tries to deny killing the Ursa as being a big accomplishment.

------------Time Skip brought to you by Nora yelling pancakes at Y/N the entire ride back to Beacon-------------

You were walking with your team and team RWBY back to your rooms. Nora was beginning to complain about being hungry and not being able to keep any of the sap for pancakes.

"That reminds me. Ren, can you make Nora some-" You begin before getting cut off.

"No." Ren answered. "I still haven't forgotten about the first day of classes."

"Come on Ren!" You yell. "I promised Nora that she would get pancakes."

"Then make them yourself. You do know how." Ren states simply.

"But Nora can somehow still taste the difference." You tell him.

"I don't care!" Nora finally exploded. "Just make me pancakes!" Once that statement was said, everyone burst into laughter at the three of you having a sibling argument.

"What are you all laughing at? Do you know how many pancakes I have to make?" You ask seriously only causing everyone to laugh harder. You pout slightly at that.

"Look," Yang manages to say through her laughter. "If it makes you feel better, I'll help."

"What are you talking about Yang?" Ruby asks "You burn everything you touch." This gets you to start laughing as well. However, Yang stops laughing and glares as Ruby.

"You're one to talk, Overcooker." Yang says back causing Ruby to stop laughing too.

"That's ridiculous. I don't over cook things." Ruby huffs. Everyone then starts to laugh at the new sibling argument. After a bit of arguing, you managed to tell Yang that you would love her help.

"Thanks for helping, Sunshine." You tell Yang as you grab ingredients for the pancakes.

"It's no problem." Yang says as she watches you grab some aprons. She notices a pink one with the words 'Please do nothing to the cook' on it.

"Huh?" She asks with a slight laugh as she looks at it.

"Nora likes to mess with Ren when he cooks." You tell her. "I got for him and as a joke, I got it in pink" You hand her one of the white aprons before also giving her a hair tie.

"A hair tie?" Yang asked but you could hear a dangerous undertone in her voice.

"Sorry. But hairs in the pancakes is not something anyone wants." You say. "And Ren would have my head for disgracing his honor as a chef. This is his recipe after all." Yang sighs before nodding and tying her her into a ponytail.

"How does it look?" She ask as she does a little spin in place.

"Well, I was right." You state. "You do look good in a ponytail." Yang smiles at you with a small blush.

"Alright. I need you to mix those ingredients." You tell Yang as you prep the second batch. Yang sees this.

"We are making pancakes for only your team right? Why so much?" She asks as you start to put ingredients in a bowl.

"Nora." You state simply. "But also in case you and your team want any." Yang nods before remembering what was said earlier.

"What did you mean when you said that Nora knows the difference between you and Ren making the pancakes?" She asks you.

"Just like it sounds. Me and Ren once made pancakes with the same exact measurements for the ingredients and Nora somehow was able to tell who made which batch." You say with a sigh "She always like Ren's better" You add with a pout. Yang then starts to laugh and you couldn't help but join her.

--------------Chapter End----------------

Another chapter complete. Thought it would be a good time, since season 6 is going to end soon. Here you go!

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