Ch 6- Accidents Happen

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Tommo's POV

It's been 3 days since the incident. Darcy has basically lived at the hospital, I feel bad. Almost everyone came home, Uncle Niall woke up yesterday. He has to stay there for a few more days because he may have a virus or something. Uncle Harry hasn't woken up, I miss him. So does everyone else.

I opened my eyes, I didn't wanna get up. I'm way too lazy, plus my bed is warm. I share a room with Hunter, his bed was empty.

I turned on my phone to look at the time, 11. I sleep in late, can you blame me? I slowly got up and walked down the hall. I looked in Darcy's room before I went downstairs. She wasn't there, of course.

Darcy's POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm.I quickly got up and got dressed. I tried to be quite. I tiptoed downstairs and grabbed an apple from the fridge, maybe I'll get McDonald's coffee. It's my favorite coffee, I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks. It really early, the sun isn't even up. I am walking to the hospital, I have no ride so I walk there. That's why I'm up so early. I pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Dear everyone,

Went to the hospital for the day.

~Darc" I wrote, I got ready and walked out the door.


It is freezing out. I didn't bring a jacket because I was dumb, and in a rush. My dad is hasn't woken up, I think he's in a coma. Seeing him everyday in his state kills me. I felt a raindrop hit my face, great. I have another couple of miles to walk. I couldn't see if this was going to be a storm, or it was just going to rain, the sun wasn't out yet.

The rain got heavier, I decided to run although it wouldn't help that I was soaking wet. I was about a mile away from the hospital. I stopped to catch a breath, I was on the track team last year for school. I was the slowest runner though. I started to walk, before I knew it I was there.


I opened up the hospital room my dad is, I was nearly bawling my eyes out. The doctor told me that my Dad was in a coma. They don't know how long he is going to be in one, a week, month, they're not sure. I hope it's a short time, he's basically my only blood relative. Not including my grandparents and Aunt Gemma, I don't get to see them very much though. I then remembered, he can hear me talk to him.

"H-hi Daddy, it's me Darcy. I learned in science a few years ago that people in comas can hear if people talk to you. Please wake up Dad, mums not here anymore so I'd basically be an orphan. I love you so much, everyone misses you. I miss you. I just walked 10 miles to get here to see you in pouring rain, just please wake up." By the time I was done I was crying. I wiped the tears off with my shirt.


My stomach made a dying whale noise. I was really hungry, It was now 1. I've been sitting next to my dad waiting for him to wake up. He hasn't though. I decided to go down to the cafeteria, the food isn't the best but it's pretty good.

I walked out of the room and walked up to the elevator. I pressed the button and the doors eminently opened. As the doors opened again more people got in, soon the elevator was packed.

We finally hit the first floor and I walked out. I walked into the cafeteria, they had a few different sections. This place was more like a buffet. I got tacos, a salad, and a smoothie. I walked up to the cashier and gave her the money. Every table was taken. I saw a 4 seater table, there was a girl at the table. She had short natural blonde hair and her eyes were brown, she was also in a wheel chair.

"Can I sit?" I asked her.

"Yeah, totally." She smiled. I sat my tray down on the table and sat down.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Darcy, yours?" I replied.

"Angel." Angel answered.

"Why are you here, in the hospital?" She asked.

"My dad got into a car accident and is is a coma." I sighed.

"That's sucks."

"Yeah, why are you here?" I asked.

"I've had childhood cancer since I was 7, I still have it. Well duh I still have it, then why would I be here?" She facepalmed.

"That also sucks." I mumbled.

"Yeah, it does. Well you know life isn't fair. Accidents happen, and you have to try to avoid the accidents. Sometimes life doesn't go as you planned." Those words were true.

"Wow, that's deep." I chuckled.

"So, do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have two brothers. My twin brothers name is Daweson, and my younger brothers name Lucas." She answered.

"I k ow this is a dumb question but, are you a Hemmings?" I whispered the last part.

"Actually yes I am." She chuckled.

"I'm a Styles." I whispered.

"That's awesome! Question, do you have any siblings?" She asked.

"I did, I had a younger brother." I didn't wanna talk about it, it's too painful.

"Oh, okay." I think she knows this topic is very touchy for me.

I was done with my meal, I said goodbye to Angel and we gave each other our numbers.

I took the stairs this time up to my dads room. I knocked on the door first before walking in. My dad was still 'sleeping.'

"Hey Dad, I just met a really nice girl in the cafeteria. Her name was Angel, she is Luke Hemmings daughter. I should go now, It takes me over an hour to get home. Bye Daddy, I love you."


A/N I am so sorry for the sucky chapter. I am sick plus I'm performing at a music festival tomorrow so I'm screwed bc I'm singing.

I'll try to update soon, bye!

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