I Taught I Taw A Puddy Tat

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Something jumped out that I never expected, it was a

Darcy's POV

It was a cat, actually a kitten. I dropped the stick and got on my knee. The kitten was grey with white on 3 of her paws, her snout, and the tip of her tail.

"Hello." I cooed. The kitten purred and rubbed against me. She had no collar so she may be a wild cat or just ran away. I should probably give her a name... Is she even a girl? I guess I could give him/her a unisex name?


I can call him Mars, yes, it's perfect. Or should I say purrfect, I need a life. I let him sniff my hand, then picked him up. A loud crash of thunder shook the ground, I rolled my eyes and kept on walking. I could already hear the kids laughing and splashing around the pond. I pushed through the leaves and trotted through tall grass, finally I was in the backyard again. I tried to not be recognizable with a gray kitten.

"Yo Darc!" Kat screamed, I looked in her direction and hid Marcel behind my back. He squirmed around so I kept walking.

"Can't uh, talk right now!" I yelled back while heading to the house. I can't let anyone see Marcel, especially Lux. She'll make me give him up immediately, if anyone else finds out they'll tell Lux.

"Hey Darcy." Lux stopped me in the kitchen, I tried to act normal. It's hard to act normal when you have a wild cat behind your back.

"Um... Hey Lux..." I replied. Marcel dug his claws into my hand, my eyes got wide and I sworeunder my breath. Lux cave me a weird look.

"You okay?"  Lux asked giving me an odd look.

Okay?! Am I okay?! I have freakin cat claws stuck in my hand!

"Yeah, I'm totally fine! Why did you ask?" I tried to act normal, I failed when my voice cracked.

"You're lying, your voice cracks when you lie. What really going on?" Lux asked again while looking out the window. Marcel meowed, Lux's head snapped in my direction.

"Sorry I sneezed," I lied. "Okay, fine... I don't feel good but I don't want to go home. I'm going up to my room now." I ran towards the stairs before Lux could say anything. I opened the door to 'my room' and shut it behind me. I sat Mars down on my bed and laid down next to him. I stared at my hand which had a few cuts and was bleeding. I rolled my eyes and sighed, I am defiantly not having a good vacation. I opened the drawer from the nightstand that was next to the bed. The whole drawer was full of pictures. Some of Lux with the boys when she was about 3, others were of old pictures of my Dad and Uncles. One picture caught my eye, it was my parents and I. I was about 3, my Dad and Mum looked like they were in their early twenties. 

I miss my Dad, I miss everyone, all my Uncles and Aunts. Most of all, I miss my Mum. I don't know how she is, or where she is. My Dad won't tell me anything about her, which sucks. Marcel walked over to me and lied down on my chest, I rubbed his back, I felt him purr. I felt my eyelids getting heavy, I yawned and kissed Marcel before I fell asleep.


That was the end of the book!v I hope you liked it!

Jk lol .-.

Carry on


"Darcy!" I heard someone scream and bang on the door, probably Lux. "Darcy!"

"Hmm?" I mumbled in my pillow.

"Don't tell me you shut this door all the way?" Lux yelled from behind the door.

"I did, why?" I asked, a little worried.

"Because the door gets stuck, the door handles don't turn!" Lux exclaimed. I shot up, I ran over to the door and tried to turn the handle. The handle didn't turn, it was stuck.

"Then why do you even have door handles if they don't work?!" I shouted, running my hand through my hair.

"I don't know? That's not important right now! I'm calling for help." Lux informed me. I remember that Lux can call, only we can't call.

After a while I heard a knock at the door.

"Finally! Help is here!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air.

"Help? It's Tommo, how are you doing?" Tommo asked.

"I feel like a damsel in distress, I think I'm going insane in here." I told him. I glanced at my bed, Marcel wasn't there.

"Marcel?" I whispered.

"That sucks- wait, who's Marcel?" Tommo questioned.

"No one... Where did you hear me say Marcel?" I nervously lied.

"You just said Marcel."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"Wanna hear the truth?" I sighed.

"No, tell me a lie." I could feel him smirking behind the door. I heard a meow from under my bed, I crawled over to the bottom bunk. 

"Marcelismycat." I quickly said.

"Wha- The fireman is here!" Tommo announced.

"Lux seriously called a fireman to open the door?" I asked myself.

I heard Lux talking to the firemen, he wasn't doing anything. I started to look for Mars again, he had to be under the bottom bunk. I got on my hands and knees and looked, I saw his tail slowly wagging back anf forth.

"Gotchya." I whispered to him as I grabbed onto his back. I pulled him out and sat him on the bed, making sure he didn't run. The door handle twisted, I swear if he only used a screwdriver to open the door. The door opened and Lux ran in, I had no time to hide Marcel.

"Darcy! I am so sorry, I should have told you earlier that you can't shut the door all the way and- is that a cat?" Lux rambled.

"No it's an oversized mouse. Yes it's a cat." I sarcastically answered. I probably shouldn't have told her that... great I'm in huge trouble.


Hey, short and crappy chapter. 





~Darcy Styles

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