Visiting Angel

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Hunter's POV (Change is good, right?)

No one got any sleep last night, there was a horrible severe thunder storm. I woke up to Tommo being, well Tommo. He was jumping on his bed singing an some Tiny Tim song. I glanced over at the clock, we were late. I glanced at my alarm clock, it was blinking 12:00. We must've lost power, I checked my phone... School started a half an hour ago! I threw the covers off my bed and flew down the hallway.

"School already started!" I yelled into Darcy and Kat's room while opening the door.

I screamed into everyone's room, Lux was out of her room in a split second and downstairs throwing everything around rummaging threw the kitchen attempting to find us all something to eat. Everyone else ran down the stairs looking like a stampede. Darcy was zipping up her jeans, Kat was attempting to run a brush threw her hair. Tommo was even wearing a shirt, Amine was putting on makeup along with Taylor. The younger kids weren't even up. All the older girls were attempting to put on a bit of makeup. Tommo was going threw the dirty clothes trying to find a decent shirt without a stain. I totally forgot to get ready, I put on whatever shorts in the dirty clothes with a shirt.

"Hey Darcy!" Lux yelled.

"Yeah?!" Darcy yelled back.

"Can you go to the store after school?" Lux was now talking.

"Yup, what do u need?" She asked, wait why am I eves dropping? I went back to getting ready.


Darcy's POV

The final bell rang, we didn't have our club today because Mrs. L is sick. We all have our parts rehearsed so I think us kids are okay. Lux needed me to run some errands because she has to someone's makeup/hair. So she won't be home until midnight. I grabbed my backpack then ran out of the prison called school. I shivered a little when I hit the cool autumn air.

"Good job, Darcy." I sarcastically praised myself while rolling my eyes.

The grocery store wasn't that far, maybe I could buy a jacket... I rubbed my hands together, attempting to warm them up. Thank god I was wearing jeans, cars passed by me not even noticing that I'm famous. One car blasted music with their windows down, teenage boys screamed junk at me. The stop light was red so the boys kept on screaming at me. The crossing light was red too so I was stuck with them. From the corner of my eye I saw the light turn green, the car took off drenching me in muddy water. Since when was there a puddle?

I swore under my breath and started to jog once my light turned to the walking stick figure.

I saw the store sign in the distance, finally. I j-walked a crossed the street to the store.


I really should have asked lux what she needed. I bought breakfast stuff, bread, snacks, and dinner stuff.

The hospital wasn't to far from here if I take a cab. Wait, why didn't I take one earlier? I attempted to facepalm but the heavy bags held my arms down.

Taylor's POV

We had to clean up the whole house before Lux gets home. I have dusted every inch of this house. I also cleaned my side of the room. Amine is wiping down the surfaces, Tommo is vacuuming, Hunter is picking up random things around the house, the younger kids are cleaning up their room and toys, and Kat is cleaning up the rooms.

"Let's turn on some music!" Tommo shouted.

"Yeah!" Kat agreed, siblings do fight but they do agree on a lot of things.

I blasted the stereo as I put in an old Fall Out Boy disk, Save Rock and Roll. I put the stereo on shuffle, Miss Missing you blared threw the house.

"Don't panic, no, not yet. I know I'm the one you want to forget. Tell all the love to leave my heart, it's time to fall apart. Now your gone, but I'll be okay. Your hot whiskey eyes will bend the flame. Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight, let the fire bring me back to life." I sang to myself.

"Baby you were my picket fence, I miss missing you now and then. Chlorine kissed, summer skin. I miss missing you, now and then." By the chorus we all were jamming out. I could hear the thumping of Kat's feet from upstairs from her Dancing. "Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger, the person you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger. Oh, we were fading fast, I miss missing you, now and then." We basically screamed.

After that song Just One Yesterday played.

"I thought of angels, choking on their halos. Get them drunk on rose water, see how dirty I can get them. Pulling their fragile teeth and clip their tiny wings." We sang. Speaking of angels, how is Darcy's friend Angel?

Darcy's POV

I texted Angel earlier and she said she'd meet me in the cafeteria. I was so exited to see her again! Although hospitals are sad, and smell like artificial lemons, and people die there, I don't look at it like that. I got a box to put the grocery bags in which made my life ten times easier. Making my way into the hospital, I saw Angel being wheeled into the cafeteria. I followed the nurse and said 'Hi' to Angel. We got our food although it was 4, I guess I could call this a snack.

We found a table, I wheeled Angel in while moving the chair.

"So... what's new?" I asked.

"My tumor grew, how about you." She announced, my heart sunk.

"I've started school and my Dad and family went on tour." I replied.

"That sucks, I guess." She chuckled.

"Yeah, how may siblings do you have?" I asked.

"Two, Dawson and Jay. Dawson's my older brother, and Jays my younger sister." she answered. "You?"

"I'm an only child, my mum 'left for vacation' when I was seven. She hasn't come back tho." I sighed.

"I-I'm sorry." She said. Why is she sorry? She has the tumor.

"It's fine but, I'm sorry about the tumor thing." I sighed.

"It's okay, soon I'll be-" She gasped for air. Her eyes got wide, she wasn't breathing.

"Nurse!" I screamed.

"Please someone!" I yelled. Nurses flew in and took Angel out. What just happened?




They were amazing and so were 5sos.

What do u think Harry's tweet meant?

'Scared of dark and dentist.'

I think those are just his fears along with snakes but, who knows it's Harry.

Also shout out to @BandBraceFace for being 10th commenter.




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~Darcy Styles

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