Run Away Cats and Burns

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Perries POV

I sat up and wiped the sweat off my forehead. It was just a dream, my baby isn't gone. I smiled, maybe I am having a girl. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

Darcy's POV

*le next day*

I heard someone knock on the door. I ran downstairs, everyone except for Kat, Hunter, Tommo, and I, left for breakfast. I opened the door, a boy and a girl stood there with I poster. They were both gingers.

"Hi, have you seen our kitten. He ran away two days ago." The girl asked. I looked at the poster, Marcel. Marcel was their cat. I hesitated, should I give them the cat? Should I lie?

"Sorry, I haven't seen him. Is there a way I can reach you if I do find him?" I asked. I wasn't really lying. I'm going to call them later. I just wanna say goodbye.

"Yes, here is our home phone." The boy answered, handing me a slip of paper.

"Thank you, I hope you find him." I slowly shut the door. I felt extremely guilty. I ran upstairs and grabbed Marcel. I hugged him, It's weird how attached you can become to something in such a short time. I guess I can buy my own cat, yeah.

"Who was that?" Kat asked. I simply responded with.

"Marcel's owners..."

Kat gave me a odd look, then looked at the cat.

"I'll give him back later, I wanted to say goodbye..." Kat still gave me the look which made me feel extremely guilty. I sighed and picked up the wall phone. I'm surprised that these things actually work! I dialed the number, the phone rang twice then someone answered.

"Hello?" The little girl asked. My smiled, I know I'm doing the right thing.

"Hi, um... It's the girl who asked for your numbers. I- I found your cat." I announced. She sounded so happy, This felt awesome.

"Thank you! Can we come over and get him?" She asked.

"Yeah, I have him right now." I said goodbye and hung up. I snuggled with Marcel for a little bit until I heard the kids come to the door. I kissed Marcel on the head and opened up the door. The kids gasped and jumped in excitement.

"Shrek!" They yelled, it was probably the kittens name. Shrek... I handed the little boy 'Shrek' they thanked me. As I shut the door, the rest of the family pulled up to the house. I now am bored again, I want to go home. I got bored so I decided to curl my hair. I 'borrowed' Lux's curling wand. I went into the tiny bathroom, the toilet was craned in between the wall and sink. My back was against the wall, I heated up the wand while getting the products out. I heard everyone push their way inside.

Alina's POV

I ran to the back yard, I didn't bother to go inside. I sat down cross cross apple sauce I front of a tree. The lake is pretty, I saw my reflection in the water. It was finally quiet, and calm. I'm always around the boys, I love them but... they get really annoying. I shivered as a breeze hit my face. I smiled, Autumn is finally here, it is my favorite time of the year. Not too warm, not too cold, the smell of pumpkin, getting free candy from strangers, and the multi colored leaves. Kat walked out from the back of the house. She was wearing a sweater, jeans, scarf, and sneakers.

"Hi." I quietly greeted.

"Hey." She replied. It's still weird that she's my brothers, girlfriend. Isn't he worried about coodies? We small talked for a little bit.

"It kinda stinks that we are always harassed by fans and paparazzi's. Plus the fact that we never see our parents." Kat sighed, I completely agree. I miss Daddy and I don't have a Mommy. Or do I?

"It does suck." I agreed. Kat opened up her mouth again to say something, a scream of pain came from the house. Kat stood up and ran towards the house, I followed her.

Darcy's POV

I finally got to my bangs to curl. I suck at doing this. Maybe today will be my day. I wrapped the piece of hair around the wand, counted to 20. Then let go, it looked... decent. I grabbed the hair from the right side of my head. I lifted up the wand and started to wrap the hair.

"Hey Darcy, can you do something for me-" Hunter opened the door. The steaming hot wand hit my face. I screamed in pain as I dropped the wand. The hair tool hit my air as I let out another scream.

"DARCY OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY!" Hunter apologized. Lux ran upstairs, I looked in the mirror and gasped. There was a severe burn on my forehead and corner of my eye. I honestly, I can't really do blood. Or burns, really anything that involves physically hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain. Today really isn't my day.

I sat on my bed, the doctor said that the burn on my arm is a 1st degree burn. The burn on my head is a 2 degree. The one on my arm should go away in a few days. The forehead burn should go away in about a few weeks. Can my life get any better? I sat a cold wash rag on my forehead, and winced at the pain. I am going to kill Hunter.


Heyyyy sry I didn't update... again. I wanted to do the burn thing bc it happened to me today. ITS NOT THAT BAD! It's just on my arm, I'm not good at curling my hair at 6 in the morning.

~Darcy Styles •__•

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