Don't Make Me

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Darcy's POV

I heard a light knock on my door that woke me up.

"Girls time for school!" Someone yelled, has it already been a week? Me or Kat didn't say a word, we tried to fall asleep.

"Girls get up!" The voice yelled again. We didn't listen. Uncle Louis opened up the door.

"Girls, wake up its time for school!" He repeated.

"Shh, I'm training to die." Kat grumbled in her pillow.

"That's it." He picked up Kat and threw her on his shoulder. Sucks for her. My Dad walked in, oh no. He came over and went to pick me up.

"Don't even think about it." I murmured, he picked me up.

"Or else?" He smirked.

I started to throw a fake fit, I hit him back with my fists. It don't work, he just cupped his hand on my mouth. So I licked it.

"Did you really just?" He sighed, I smirked.

"Do I have to go to school?" I asked.

"Yes you have to." He answered. He put me down and I went downstairs. I saw Andy crying and begging not to go to school. The school we go to is the only school that famous kids go to so they aren't homeschooled. The school is K-12 so everyone goes at the same time.

I grabbed a bagel and ran upstairs, I eat plain donuts. I ran upstairs and threw on my skinny jeans and a t-shirt that says 'Free Spirit' with my converse. I tied my shoes and ran downstairs, I grabbed my skateboard out of the garage and grabbed my backpack. I hugged my Dad goodbye.

"Don't make me go." I pleaded.

"School isn't that bad." He assured me.

"Yeah sure." I huffed and walked outside. I met up with Tommo and we both slated to school while everyone rode in the car. We got to school and skated threw the crowd.

"Beep, beep, coming through." Tommo yelled.

We skated down the halls, I felt pretty epic. I made it to my locker, I turned to my left to see my locker neighbor. Bianca Swift. This is going to be a long year.


"I'm Mrs. Bridget your math teacher." My first hour is math, great *note to sarcasm.*

I fiddled with my fingers, I've always been bad at math. I barley paid attention to what she was saying. I acted like a did so I wouldn't get in trouble. We were going over math that we learned last year so I already knew this.

"Darcy, did you hear what I said?" Oh crap.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Then what did I say?" She asked.

"Did you hear what I said?" I replied sweetly. The class laughed and some snickered.

"Detention after school." She whispered to me. My Dad is going to be happy when he hears about this.

The school bell rang and we all took off. My next period was Gym, I have the worst schedule ever. I went to the girls locker rooms, I got changed into tacky shorts and a highly uncomfortable shirt. Gym was outside which sucked because it was very humid and hot out.

"Hello everybody, my name is Mr. Lancaster." Mr. Lancaster announced.

"Like the Fault in our Stars!" A familiar voice pointed out, it was Tommo.

"Yes, like the Fault in our Stars, now everybody we are running today." Everyone grumbled.

"20 laps around the track, go!" We all ran over to the track and I made my way over to Tommo.

"So I got detention today so I can't ride home with you." I told him.

"I also got detention." He pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket.

"Nice." I high fived him.

"Detention buddies!" He exclaimed as we ran.

Before I knew it I was at my favorite time of the day, lunch. I pulled out my lunch box from my locker and walked into the lunchroom. When I walked in only one word could describe what it was like in there, pandaemonium. It was loud, people were running around, some on there phones video taping stuff. It was crazy in there. I knew no one because I'm not a social butterfly and I always hang around Tommo or Kat. Me and Hunter aren't really friends, he just doesn't really like me. I saw an open table so I sat down at it. I opened up my lunchbox and pulled out a Pb&J, someone sat down next to me. I looked up, it was Tommo and Hunter. Kat came over and sat down. I guess we're those kids who are so close that they are best friends.

"So, am I the only one who doesn't have new friends?" I asked.

"Yep." They all agreed. So maybe we aren't very social, at least we are nice and good looking if I say so myself. We all ate our lunches without saying barley anything. We would laugh at each other when we were goofing around also, then the bell went off and lunch time was over. I now have to go to another class of mine, alone.

I had reading, I was actually a quite good reader. I love books, they open up a whole new world. I dropped everything off at my locker and got my things. I made my way into the classroom and sat down in the only seat open.

"Hello class, I am Mr. Kenny, call me Mr. K if you want." Mr. Kenny introduced himself.

"Can we call you Mr. Krabs?" A boy in the back full of himself asked.

"No, it's Mr. K or Mr. Kenny." He strictly answered.

"What ever you say Mr. Krabs." The boy smirked.

"Detention." Mr. Kenny spat. Is today detention day?

The long school day finally came to an end, then came along detention.


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