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Author's Note:

Just two quick points

1) For everyone who has read my previous stories while I was still updating, firstly, a big thank you!! And secondly this one will not be updated as often. I am currently planning my 1st vacation to S. Korea (V. EXCITED!!) so am slightly busy. I will still try to push multiple updates a week before I fly out.

2) This story is going to be much quirkier than my previous works. So please proceed with caution.....


Kong's POV

I straightened my jacket and brushed my hair back before tapping the door with my knuckles softly. I was definitely nervous what lay on the other side. But the good kind of nervous.


I opened the door and swiftly made my way over to the large table.

"Ah Kong. Welcome. You ready?"

"Yes sir. As ready as I will ever be."

"Good. That's the folder."

I picked it trying my hardest to not let my hands shake. It must have been obvious how shocked I was when I read the name, since what followed was a soft chuckle.

"What do you think?"

"Ummm, sir are you sure?"

"Ofcourse I am. You have potential I have never seen before."

"But sir this will be my first....and he...he is..."

"I know I know. Don't doubt yourself. You will do just fine. Now get out of here"

I still couldn't believe what had just happened. My life is about to change. I broke out in a huge smile as I walked out. This is going to be extremely exciting.

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