Chapter 13

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Arthit's POV


"You are an oracle, Arthit. A seer."


"You have the ability to see the future. It shouldn't have manifested until you reached the age of 21 though. That is why you have been getting headaches and nose bleeds. You weren't ready for those visions thrust onto you without any preparation. I suspect it was because you were in such close contact with Kong. That is entirely my fault. But not to worry. With a little training you should be able to control your visions, both in your dreams and while you are awake."



"Oh boy! I was sure Kong told me you were very bright."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know you sound completely insane."

"Yeah but I am not. Atleast not completely."

He was actually chuckling at his lame joke. Did the man not know how crazy his talks were? Maybe I should have let Kongpop stay in the room. Now I was trapped here with some psycho spouting nonsense. I probably should try and figure out what they wanted from me, and why did they bring me here in the first place.

"I understand how shocking it must be for you to hear this, but have you never felt like the more you think about something, stress about it, the more your dreams are focused around it?"

"Yeah, but that's normal. Everybody does that. More you think about something, the more you dream about it. That's just because your mind is occupied with the same thoughts. There is no future bullshit involved in having normal dreams."

"Well luckily for you, your dreams are anything but normal."

"Ok I need to get out of here. Jes, I think you should get yourself checked cause you might have lost it. Thanks for taking care of me but I need to leave now."

"They will keep coming back you know."

"They are freaking dreams. Ofcourse they will come back. Everyone dreams. It is a completely normal thing to do."

"I mean your headaches. They will keep bothering you. I can help you. I can train you to control your visions. I can help stop your headaches and nose bleeds."

"Wow! I can't believe I am actually having this conversation! Jes if my headache returns I will do what any normal human being would do. Go to a doctor."

I think I have wasted enough time continuing this nutty conversation. I really don't think I should continue entertaining some senile old man who I had just met half an hour ago. Decoding Kongpop's mystery was totally not worth me getting involved with crazy oracle stories. How stupid did these people think I was? I was preparing to get off the bed and make my way out when Jes rested back in his chair and started talking slowly keeping his eyes closed. It was almost as if he was talking in his sleep.

"When you were 5 you bought your first set of drumsticks. When you were 7 you broke your wrist while stealing chocolates and didn't tell anyone for 2 weeks. When you were 12 you fell sick right before your exams and didn't study at all but you aced everything anyway. When you were 15 you went on your first date. What was her name? Tia? And within the first 5 minutes you dropped your ice cream all over her. You are still slightly upset about wasting that ice cream aren't you? Hmmmm, what else? Yeah you bought your first guitar when you were 16, kept cutting your fingers on the strings. You almost adopted a cat for two weeks before you found its owners. Want me to keep going on?"

"What the fuck!! Since how long have you been spying on me?"

"Hmmm let's see. Kong joined your university a few months ago right? I guess since then."

"So your Kongpop has been digging around about my entire life? What do you want from me?"

"Well Kong doesn't know any of what I just told you. You asked me since when have we been spying on you. That's the answer. A few months."

"Then how do you know my entire freaking life history?"

"Luckily for me, like you I am blessed with visions too."


"Oh so we are back to insensible responses are we?"

"Wait, let me get this straight. You are saying not only can I see the future, but you can too?"


"Oh my God. You are crazier than I thought."

"Being crazy is so undervalued. Don't you think so? I mean who isn't atleast slightly crazy in their own way."

"I.....I need to leave. And Jes, you need to stop spying on me. Stop following me. Whatever your insane stories are, I want no part in it. So tell Kongpop to stay away."

"I won't force you to do anything. It is your life after all. But when your headaches, your visions get too much for you to bear, you always know where you can come for help."

"Yes, a hospital."

"But calling off Kong is another matter altogether. You are a very important person, even if you refuse to believe it. I can't let you go around unprotected. But don't worry if you don't want to have him around I can make sure he is very discrete. You won't even find out you are being followed."

"Kongpop is kind of hard to miss when we go to the same university and he freaking lives across my room."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I will make sure he is practically invisible to you. With his powers he can do almost anything."

"Powers? What powers?"    

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