Chapter 27

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Arthit's POV

I don't know how long it had been since I was tied to this chair. Could be hours. Could be days. Could be weeks. I kept getting in and out of consciousness plagued with so many dreams. In the corner of the room I could see Lila passed out. She hasn't spoken in quite some time and I was starting to get worried if she was still breathing. Although there was very little I could do currently to help her. They had kept us in the basement since the time they had kidnapped us from Lila's house. I had no idea where we were but after hours of trying to scream and beg for help none of it had made any difference.

I had absolutely no idea who these people were but it was obvious their motives for capturing me and holding us here were vile and petty. They kept showing me pictures and videos of some businessman and his family that I didn't recognize to force my visions about them. And although they hadn't explicitly told me it was quite clear it was going to be an assassination attempt. I wish they would have atleast let me explain to them that I had absolutely no control over my visions. If they thought I could give them any valuable information about that man or his family's whereabouts, they were severely mistaken.

But they had given me no opportunity to actually talk at all. They would keep me awake only long enough to shovel some food or water down my throat. Showing me endless pictures of that family before drugging me again, forcing me to be unconscious most of the time. And then the dreams haunted me. Vision after vision I saw things I had never seen before. Most of the dreams I had I couldn't recognize the people, or the surroundings. Sometimes I don't even think I knew what country it was. I saw anything and everything. Floods, fires, earthquakes, famines. Sunsets, sunrises, rain, rainbows, Kong.

But not once did I see anything about this man who had caused Lila and me to be prisoners. And when they finally gave me the chance to talk, they weren't as accepting of my lack of visions as I had hoped.

"So Arthit, are you ready to help us?"

I was finding it extremely difficult to talk. My throat was dry and raspy. My head had been throbbing non-stop from all the drugs and dreams. And honestly I was just so tired. I just wanted this to stop. I don't think I would survive here much longer. And that's nothing to say about what Lila was going through. Atleast they had to ensure I was alive. I don't think they have even checked on her in ages.

"I don't know what you want. But I am not the person who can help you. Just please let us go. We are not who you want."

"Oh Arthit, you are exactly the person we need. Just tell us where we can find them and your job is done. It's just that simple."

"I don't know. I don't know where this man will be. I swear. I know nothing about him."

"Lying to us won't help him or you. Just tell us where he is and we will let you go. If you keep trying to save him, it won't end well for you or your girlfriend here."

"I am not lying."

"Then all you have to do is dream about him"

"It doesn't work that way. I can't control what I see."

He suddenly struck me hard against my face and shot up from his chair before he started yelling at me. I guess his good cop routine was over.

"Arthit the more you try to delay the angrier I will get, and trust me you really really don't want to piss me off. Why are you trying to save that bastard. He is a monster. He deserves to die."

"I am not trying to save anyone. I don't even know who he is. Please I am begging you. Just let us go. I can't help you."

"Hmmmm.....It seems you won't agree so easily. Maybe perhaps if you had an incentive."

" please I am telling you the truth. I haven't had any dreams about him. I can't control them."

"Maybe you will try harder if you knew you had something to lose if you don't help me."

I saw him walk purposely towards me with an evil smirk. I had been terrified until now but right this instant I realized this nightmare was not going to end. Infact it was about to get much worse.

Somebody untied my hands from behind me and at the same time grabbed my hair hard to pull my head back. I had a searing pain shoot through my scalp.

"What do you say to me giving you something to think about?"

I was still trying to orient myself from the pain from my head when he gripped my left hand and twisted it in an awkward angle.

"I believe you can dream up your little visions just fine with nine fingers."

"What!?! stop. Listen please I don't kno...."

I was still begging, groveling, pleading with all my might as I felt the sharp sting of the cold metal blade pierce through my hand. The blinding pain overtook my entire being as I felt bile rise up my throat and eye rolls back. I think I am going to pass out. And right now I am hoping I don't wake up again.

"Let's see how many more you are willing to lose before you start talking."    

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