Chapter 3

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Arthit's POV

Kongpop's absurd behavior seemed to keep increasing by the day. Although he behaved like a perfect model student on campus, there seemed to be more than one shady character interacting with him near his dorm. I had taken it upon myself to keep a strict eye on him every night. I had even bought myself some decent high powered binoculars. And the more I observed him, the more my suspicion was proving to be true.

Every night, a little after midnight he would put on dark clothes with a dark hoodie and go meet someone in the alley next to his building. Try as hard as I possibly could, I would not be able to see who he was meeting. He would spend roughly an hour with that person before returning to his room.

Every night my curiosity grew. I was itching to find out who was Kongpop meeting every night and why. What is it even the same person. Currently, the possibility that Kongpop was a drug dealer appeared to be the forerunner. And I badly wanted to confirm my suspicion. But somehow following a hooded Kongpop, who clearly hated me, down a dark, deserted alley did not sound like a good idea no matter how curious I got.

And then there was the issue of his girlfriend. Lila and Kongpop seemed inseparable on campus, practically joined at the hip. But I have never once seen her anywhere near his dorm. And he never goes anywhere once he returns from campus. I would know, I have been watching him like a hawk. And even on campus they always have their friend Krit tagging along with them. When exactly are they being a couple? Although I have never had a girlfriend myself, even I can tell that doesn't seem like a normal relationship.

As the reasonable side of me won out by keeping my distance from him at night, there was nothing stopping me from tracking his actions during the day. And that's exactly what I did.

The very next Saturday I woke up bright and early to get dressed since the man started his days at ungodly hours during the weekend. I plan to follow him today as much as I can without giving myself away. Worst case he finally meets his girlfriend and I have wasted this attempt. Best case I manage to find out who are the people coming to meet him at the dorm every night and if and how am I involved in his absurd life.

I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible and made sure I kept more than enough distance from him so that he wouldn't spot me.

It took me a few hours before I realized that he was playing with me. I watched him stroll around on the streets aimlessly for an hour. I even watched him eat a large breakfast insanely slowly while I stood in the shadows with my stomach grumbling. I watched him go to the mall and enter store after store without any purpose. That jerk knew I was following him and he was purposely wasting my time. But I was still conflicted if I should give up yet and go home. My mood was progressively getting worse as I ran into some of my friends at the mall.

"Arthit? What are you doing here? Didn't you say you were busy today?"

"Uh..yeah...I was. But I am done now, so I just wanted to kill some time."

Today was a waste as it is. Hopefully, hanging out with my friends will lift my mood. But then Bright chimed in.

"Oh look there's Kongpop. KONGPOP!! Over here!"

He didn't even pretend to be surprised to see us there. Infact he had already been making his way over to us. He had made a complete fool of me today and I seriously contemplating wringing his neck.

"Hello P'Bright, what are you all doing here?"

"Oh we were just about to go get lunch. Are you alone? You should come along."

How had my plan backfired on me so spectacularly? Not only had I woken up extremely early, my entire day was wasted. And now I was sitting across from an extremely smug looking Kongpop. Along with my ire, my suspicion was growing pretty fast. If any other junior would have noticed me following them, they would have either turned around and greeted me or tried to avoid me. Only Kongpop spent the day driving me around in circles. None of this seemed normal to me.

The server had mistakenly placed my lunch dish in front of Kong and I had the evil thought cross my mind. Kongpop was going to once again eat an extremely spicy dish. I know I was being spiteful, but today he deserved it. But before I could say anything Knott snatched the bowl away from Kongpop.

"Kong! Don't touch it. We don't want to make a repeat trip to the hospital."


"Oh yeah, Kong is allergic to chilies. A few months ago I found him eating food loaded with chilies. The crazy boy had almost stopped breathing by the time we got to the hospital."

Wait, What? Hospital? Allergic? Is this the time I gave him my dinner? He was allergic to chilies? Why would he not tell me? What maniac would sit and purposely eat the food knowing they are allergic to it?

I had my eyes trained on him but he kept his head bowed, refusing to meet my gaze. I....don't think I will ever be able to figure out Kongpop's mysteries.

Kong's daily report entry:

This is possibly the easiest assignment. I made the man I am supposed to be tailing, spend the day following me. Although, I would have liked not having my weakness exposed.

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