Chapter 8

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Kong's POV

I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe I was actually going to lead this mission. Me. Leading. This mission. Absolutely every word in that sentence was currently blowing my mind. I had known I was going to get assigned today. I had actually expected to be placed under someone much more experienced. Hopefully someone nice. Someone who would give me something exciting to do. And if excitement was what I craved then my dream had just come true.

I was still partially in shock. How awesome was my luck! I could even gather my own team and take anyone I wanted along with me. That night at dinner I got more than few evil looks from everyone around. It had been just over a week since his identity was revealed and it was the most discussed topic. All of us had placed multiple bets on who would get assigned. Obviously no one bet on me. At 19 I was the youngest and had virtually no experience. Even I hadn't bet on me. But I would happily lose all that money for this assignment.

And as much as everyone grumbled, no one would ever question the word of Jes. So if he said I was the man for the job, then the discussion was over. And as coveted as this assignment was, it was probably one of the easiest ones. Follow him around for a year, keep a close eye on him, and when he finally comes of age, bring him to Jes. He was a college kid, how hard could it really be to get close to him? Maybe that is why Jes chose me. I was the perfect age to enter college and mingle in without causing suspicion.

But it was not my job to question Jes' decisions. It was my job to do anything he told me to do. Jes had been my savior. Literally. We crossed path's when I was barely 9. I was different, and scared, and bullied almost constantly. Jes took me from my personal hell and gave me a place to fit in. And then he trained me. Day and night. For a decade. Till I could pretend to be normal. Many have questioned his actions. His motives. But it doesn't matter to me. I don't care if what I am doing is right or wrong. As long it is something Jes wants, I will get it done. And if this kid in engineering is what he wants, then that is who I will bring to him.

So I took my best friends Krit and Lila and made arrangements to enter his life. We registered in his college. I got an apartment overlooking his balcony, and the with excited butterflies fluttering around in my stomach I looked forward to my first meeting with him.

Which was a god damn disaster. 5 minutes after our first interaction it was painfully obvious that we would hate each other for eternity. He was a bully to his core who took pleasure in hazing people under him, and bullies are the one type of people I hated more than anyone else. His attitude towards me was not going go down well for him.

There was going to be a slight change in my strategy. Instead of being start struck I was about to make his life hell and in about a year he would be wishing he had treated me better. Instead of me running around behind him, I made sure he was suspicious enough to follow me. Lila or Krit would show up every night and he would spend hours peeking through his curtains like a paranoid chicken trying to figure out what I was upto. Unfortunately for him, when he does figure it out, these fake alleyway meet ups will be the least of his problems.

As much as I enjoyed watching him basically try to unsuccessfully stalk me, I was still keeping a pretty close eye on him. I had tuned in to see and hear everything he did in his apartment, and most evenings he ended up becoming my nightly entertainment.

How could one man be so incredibly clumsy? He was almost always running late for something or the other, and he probably tripped five times a day. If I didn't trust Jes with all my being there was no way I would have believed P'Arthit was anyone but a scatter brained student. How was he always so immature? Did he not know who he was? Well, I guess he didn't.

In all the hours that I wasted watching and listening to him constantly, atleast there was one benefit. He was a particularly gifted musician. He even had an almost pleasant voice. I absolutely abhorred out of tune music. Listening to Krit sing in the shower actually made me want to rip my brain out at times. But surprisingly, and I doubt I will ever accept this to anyone aloud, but listening to P'Arthit play every night had become the favorite part of my day.

And then all of a sudden two extremely unexpected things happened. First, P'Arthit completely changed his attitude towards me. Avoided me like plague. Didn't try to spy on me, didn't try to punish me, nothing. Weirdly he wouldn't even meet my eyes. That seemed completely out of character for him. He didn't look like the type to accept defeat on any challenge. I was still contemplating if it was significant enough for me to investigate when I noticed his nose bleed. I....I am not sure what that means. Maybe I should ask Jes if he knows.

And the second thing, and probably what ended up occupying most of my immediate thoughts, was that I had just realized there was someone else following him too.  

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