Chapter 12

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Arthit's POV

It felt like I had been asleep for a hundred years. Not shocking since sleep had been avoiding me for so long. Finally my headache had subsided to a dull thud which surprisingly had a soothing effect. I think it was still daylight outside as I started waking up but I immediately froze as I took in my surroundings. Where am I? How did I get here? I was still looking around the strange room trying to figure out my location when the door opened.

"Oh P'Arthit! You are awake. Did you sleep well?"


Why was he behaving like it was perfectly normal for me to wake up here....wherever here was....and him to be anywhere around me? How does he go missing for a week and then show up out of nowhere in this strange place. He walked towards me and sat down next to the bed as if it was something he did every day.

"You have been asleep for over a day. Are you feeling better now?"

"I....uh....yeah.....where am I?"

"My home."

"Your home? Why am I at your home? How did I even get here?"

"I brought you here. You had almost passed out in your bathroom. I couldn't just let you stay there."

"Oh....uh....right...thanks" Why was none of this making any sense? "Wait, how did you know I was sick in my room?"

"Krit told me."

"Oh....but....I still don't get why you brought me here. Or why you came to my room."

"I was worried about you."

It's unbelievable how he could say those words to me keeping a completely straight face without having any knowledge of how affected I would get. Kongpop was worried about me? The butterflies in my stomach definitely indicated how much I liked hearing that, but my rational brain couldn't parse what that meant.

In all the past months of our extremely odd relationship we had never really established being friends. Why exactly would he worry about me? Infact all indicators up till now always pointed towards how much he disliked me, how much he enjoyed playing with me.

I was about to question him further about what he meant when the door opened again and an old, frail man walked in. He was stooped so low he looked nearly half his real height. As soon as this stranger walked in, Kongpop shot up to his feet but kept his head bowed. I tried to catch Kongpop's eye so that he could help me with introductions to this stranger but it didn't seem like Kongpop was going to look up anytime soon.

The stranger took the chair Kongpop had vacated and gave me a broad smile as if we were already acquainted. Were we? I really didn't remember him.

"Hello Arthit. I am Jes. How are you feeling now?"

I kept trying to look at Kongpop to help me figure out who this Jes was but it seemed he had vowed to continue ignoring me.

"Uh...I am feeling better now. I just had a headache. Kongpop didn't need to trouble anyone by bringing me here."

"Well it was no trouble having you here. I have been really looking forward to meeting you. It happened a little earlier than I planned but not to worry. I think we will get along splendidly. What do you think?"

I frowned at everything this stranger was saying. He had been looking forward to meeting me? I once again looked at Kongpop but his head stayed bowed.

" we know each other?"

"Not yet. Well I know you. No, it's more like I know of you. Hmmm, not even that. I know parts of you, but enough to know who you are."

I kept staring at him while trying to decipher his extremely strange speech when Kongpop spoke up for the first time.

"Jes are you high right now? You are not making any sense to him. You are barely even making any sense to me."

"Haaha, maybe only slightly. I can't help it, this is a very complicated topic to discuss. I hadn't planned on having this conversation for sometime. Maybe you should give me and Arthit some privacy."

"What? Why? I want to stay."

"I doubt Arthit wants you in the room."

"Huh? No no I want Kongpop to stay." I really don't know what was going on but atleast Kongpopo was a known devil. This Jes guy was currently giving me the creeps. What does knowing 'parts of me' even mean?

"Oh is that so? I guess you are Ok with describing your dreams to Kong then?"

My eyes almost bulged out. How the fuck did he know? This was beyond impossible. This made literally no sense.

"What dreams?"

" no.... Kongpop can leave."

"Wait no. What dreams? I want to stay. You said this was my fault, I want to know why."

"Unfortunately for you, I promised only to help Arthit, and if he doesn't want you in the room nothing I can do about it. Shut the door behind you."

I honestly thought Kongpop would argue some more. He is always so stubborn that I have never seen him give in to something so easily. But after throwing a scowl in my direction he did leave, closing the door to only Jes and me in this strange room with even stranger conversation.

"So Arthit were they pleasant?"


"Your dreams about Kong. Were they pleasant? Were they nice?"

"How? How do you know what I dreamt?"

"I don't really know what you dreamt. But I am guessing it's about Kong. That's actually my mistake. I shouldn't have sent him to you. I mean I should have, just not so soon."

Ok the man had clearly been smoking something. Did he ever stop talking in riddles?

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you really not figured it out yet?"

"Figured out what?"

"That in your dreams you see the future."    

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